magic ingredients

13 2 43

19-12-2022 Quintens house, front door

P.O.V. Rue

I got out immediatly after Scarlett had parked the car and walked quickly to the house. The house looked like it could collapse any moment, but I knew this was were my mother and I always went.

I knocked, becoming a little nervous.

"Are you sure it is here?" Eliana asked, her hands deep in her pockets and pulled up shoulders, while walking over to me.

I nodded and rocked myself back and forth from my heels to toes. "yeh."

The door opened and Quinten looked straight at me. "Are you who I think that you are?" He said.

I pushed the door further open before he could and embraced him in a tight hug. "Quinnieee."

"Is that my little Rue?" He smiled, hugging me back. "To be honest I didn't know that you were still alive."

"Fireproof tea you know?" Now I saw an old friend again, someone I could trust always, I was happy again and my mood brightened even more. 

"I am happy to see you, pretty girl. What brought you here?"

"I had a little question," I let him go with a smile. "Did you take my moms tea stuff?"

He stayed silent for a while. "I think you have to go to..." The older man looked at the two girls behind me. "Can we talk in private?"

I nodded. "We can talk in your kitchen while they are... in the livingroom? I can't let them wait outside."

"Sure thing, don't mind the mess, ladies," He took a step aside so we could get in. 

I hopped in, dragging Scarlett and Eliana with me. 

Quinten closed the door and led us to the livingroom, before dragging me immediatly to his witch room.

He wasn't a teawitch, like me, but one of plants and poisons. Mom always called him our dealer. Ingredient dealer, but just the last word sounded cool. Like we were drug addicts or something, we were addict... but to tea... (a/n just like me in real life, woops)

He smiled softly, "so... what I wanted to say, is that you have to go to our land... I know you can only do that from your 18th birthday, but lady Redwood will understand. She is still the nicest ruler."

I nodded, "Then at least give me some ingredients... then I can survive the entrance..."

"sure thing," he started collecting some stuff, "and for happy tea I guess too?"

"yess!" I smiled brightly.

Happytea had been my favourite tea from the moment I had tasted it for the very first time. It was bright pink and extremely sweet, but I liked it and had always made me happy. It was something I missed the most the past two years. 

"And Luke and Willow didn't survive, right?" he muttered.

"yeh... sadly not."

"Today exactl-" He turned to me. "A late Happy birthday, Rue..."

I froze, "What...?"

"It's the 19th... you turned 17 yesterday..." He smiled brightly and shortly hugged me before grabbing some bottles with magical water. "I can't help with anything else, sorry. You know how to go to Witchity, good luck."

"Thanks for everything. Can I visit you later again?"

"Of course! I am always home, so you can just come here whenever you want."

I nodded and took the bag full of ingredients from him. "Thanks again."

"Welcome dear," He leaded me back to the livingroom.

Scarlett and Eliana were happily chatting with each other, and both looked up when we came in. "Done?" Scarlett smiled.

I nodded, "jep."

Eliana wrapped an arm around me, "so now you're gonna make tea for us?"


They both smiled, "let's go then."

I nodded and waved at Quinten, "see ya later!"

"See ya, girl."

The girls took me outside to the car. "How long do you know him? He seems like a good friend of yours."

I nodded and got in the back of the car, looking through the stuff Quinten gave me.

They got in as well. "And? Did you got your moms stuff?"

"No... Turns out a... Far friend of my mom took it, so I have to go somewhere for that."

"Ah, okey!" The girls both smiled and we drove to Hoseoks house. I stayed silent the whole ride, looking at all the ingredients.

When we arrived they both gave me a quick hug and Scarlett gave me a bag full of clothes. "There you go, just look through it, and throw away what you don't like."

I nodded, "see ya later." I walked quickly to the house.

Hoseok opened the door. "Heeyy, how was it?"

"They are nice," I got in and put the two bags down in the hallway.

"What's all this shit?" He looked in the bag with ingredients curious.

"Don't eat that... It's for my tea," I muttered, hanging up my jacket.

"Oh? Do you make tea?"

I nodded again and grabbed the bag.

"Shall I make a drawer empty for you then? Then you have your own drawer for tea..."

"You don't have to," I smiled soft at him before walking to the kitchen.

"What are you gonna make?" Hoseok followed me curious.

I took out some ingredients and put them on the counter, "Happytea." My mood was still bright while I started making the tea I wanted. I was myself again for half an hour and I hummed softly, trusting Hoseok fully now for no reason.

In the corner of my eye I saw him watching with a soft smile on his face. 

When I was done and had put the tea in a glass of boiling water, I turned around, smiling back at him.

"I am glad you are happy now," he said we a smile.

I nodded, "making tea makes me happy... And saw an old friend again."


A/n the birthday thing wasn't planned, but then I found out that the date of the first chap was the same with this one, so I had to gehe

the teawitch (the tea-series part one)Where stories live. Discover now