mafia house

17 2 42

22-02-2021 highway, car

I sat in the backseat of the car and stared sleepily at the road. I hadn't slept the whole night. Rex and Alex had both did way too many rounds with me. Now the two monsters were chatting in the front, happily and like nothing happened.

Everything hurted and sitting was the worst. Finn sat next to me, staring outside. Last night they had locked him up in his room. He had been so angry... He didn't dare to say a word the whole ride. The only sign he had given me that he was on my side was his hand. It was laying now on his lap, but when we got in 10 minutes ago he had squeezed mine while ginving me a "everything-will-be-alright" look.

I sat there silently, the only thing they had given me to wear was a short dress, way too revealing. Nothing else then that...

Rex kept an eye on me in the rearmirror, his eyes made me nervous and look down.

He chuckled, "good girl."

"Hmm," I mumbled something in a diffrent language.

"What did you say, darling?"

I repeated it louder, knowing they didn't even know the excicted the language I spoke.

"and what does that mean?"

"I am not your good girl," I muttered, lying badly. The actual meaning was a bit less kind. It were scolding words I had used in a magical language.

"oh yes you are... and be happy I will protect you a little, love."

I glared at his back but didn't answer.

He chuckled softly and drove off the highway.

Alex raised his eyebrow. "If you were mine I should have punished you, be happy he has mercy..."

"I am no ones girl, shut the fuck off..."

"you will talk diffrent soon... I know a very good way to fill that mouth of yours..."

I frowned slightly, thinking about his words for a few seconds before I got it, "I'll bite it off, I swear. Then poor you, you can't pleasure yourself anymore, addict."

Rex laughed soft. "you go girl..." He drove into a huge garage full of mostly black cars. He parket close to a door, there was a small plate that said it was reserved for Choi Rex.

Alex opened the door at my side quickly, grinning creepy.

I sniffed and slid to Finns side. He just left the car so I could get out there. I giggled naughty and let Rex wrap an arm around me protectivly.

"Rex! My friend!" an older man walked in with spreaded arms. They welcomed each other in a polite way, but I could see at how Rex acted they were good friends.

the man had shaved up grey hair, and hadn't shaved himself the last couple of days. His brown and cold eyes found mine and he grinned. "Is this the new one?"

His friend nodded and wrapped his arm back around me. "Rue lane, 15 years old... and ready for the other boys... I gotta show her to a few friends and then you can send them on her... till dinner this time. She eats with me and after that help me out... then I can clean her too from all their dirty hands..."

"Sure thing... I will tell them... I am Leonard, Mafia boss... you won't see me much in your special room... I have a wife... not that I am not gonna kill her soon, but still. Maybe for my daughters birthday... hmm... will be nice for when she turns 17..."

"Nice present," I muttered, playing with the bottom of my dress. "why would you marry a woman that you kill afterwards?"

He stepped closer and his hand landed hard against my cheek. The place he had hit me started burning. "Most of the men here aren't allowed to slap you, or ruin your body in difrent ways then fuck... I am... so watch your words, bitch."

I stepped back, searching the protective boy Rex was last weeks, but that guy dissapeared and was now cold and hard as stone. He pushed me between him and Leonard.

The man grinned. "so..." His eyes traced over my body shameless. "15 years old... that's younger then the last ones..."

I glared at him silently, doing the same to his body. It was clear he had been muscular when he was younger, but his forms had changed and even while he wore a bit oversized shirt I could see his belly sticked out.

He lifted his hand again, ready to slap me another time.

I flinched back.

Leonard started laughing, "scared already, darling?"

Alex chuckled soft, slapping my behind while walking past me to the door. "punishment for ignoring my nice offer, princess."

I stayed silent now, trying to understand how they could be so cold.

Rex forced me to walk after his friend, his hand on the place Alex slapped me. "Listen.." He whispered, "you can chose two people that won't fuck you... if you are too scared for them you can tell me and I will forbid him to do anything with you... you can put them on and off the list, but remember they won't like it if they can't..."

I nodded and walked up small stairs to the next floor.

Rex led me to the large dining room. It was huge with long tables that made me think of the great hall in Harry potter. The only thing was that the kitchen was next to it and you just had to pick up the food you wanted, and it were chairs, and not the long wooden benches. It was almost empty. Only a few sleepy head that woke up late were eating and group was messing around laughing.

"Guys!" Rex rushed towards the group, dragging me with him. "Here is my new project."

So now I was a project, nice...

They all looked up with wide grins. It was a club of 5 boys, Micael was between them. The others were new.

"be a little polite... if they like you enough then maybe they won't hurt you too much..." Rex mutered before sitting down next to his friends. He patted on his lap as a sign he wanted me to sit there. I did, hoping I would feel a little saver with someone I knew.

"Are we doing a name round?" one of them asked. He had a pale skin and almost white hair. He was kinda creapy. He was the only one wearing make up around his eyes. It was almost like he was dead. His clothing style didn't help too really to get comfy around him. He obviously chose the gothic style with a reason. "I am hayden."

I smiled weak at him. "Hi..."

One of the others snapped into his fingers to get my attention, "my turn, I am Adam..." He had a dark skin and black hair that curled around his head. His eyes were black but had nothing hatefull in them. He was wearing a pink hoodie and baggy jeans. I would have liked his style if I weren't in this situation.

The last two men already turned their attention back to their talk. One was still eating hastily, the other leaned on the table, stealing a bit of his plate.

Michel tapped on the shoulder of the last one and whispered something.

"oh..." His eyes immediatly met mine. "I am jacob..."

I was not gonna lie, the suit he was wearing looked good on him. It was all black, his jacket hung open and showed the white blouse. The top buttons undone, of course to look hot. Jacob rushed a hand trough his black hair. He had a typical asian haircut and a little messy now he ruined it kinda. (a/n made a hot discription for you, sill :))

He grinned lazy, "are you gonna give my friend attention too or gonna keep watching me?"

A blush appeared on my cheeks and quickly looked at the slightly offended guy next to him. He was less hot but still muscular like the others. He stuffed a piece of bread in his mouth. "Phoenix..." He had a Russian accent and thick eyebrows, they were frowned concentrated by the task to get the world record eating your plate empty... or he was training. He was wearing some casual clothes. "Nice to meet you..."

I nodded silently.

Hayden got up, "someone a drink? I guess beer for everyone?"

"uhm..." I looked up shyly, "no, tea for me please."


gehe, new chapter and I hope you guys like it :) its 1387 words so that makes some things right geh... wanna write chaps around 1000 words... so yeh

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