killing fire...

11 2 58

A/n, don't kill me pretty please...

17-04-2023 factory, random room

P.O.V. Rue

Nils was the private doc of Rex, and was caring for my wounds carefully. I watched his movements silently, waiting for him to finish. He had connected me to a blooddrip, luckily. 

Rex came back in with a friend. I didn't recognise this one. He had shaved up and lightbrown hair. His eyes looked at me calmly and without any emotion. 

I nervously sat up straight.

Nils said nothing, busy with my leg.

"You are lucky that your friends told us what happened. Maybe it is even better now they are here. Now we can hurt you in even more ways then just torture."

I heard Eliana scream from somewhere close. 

My eyes widened. 

Rex chuckled again, waiting till Nils was done with stitching. When he was, he pulled me up. "Lovey, go with this guy... He wants to hurt you so badly, so I'll let him."


The man grinned and walked closer, in his eyes still no emotion. "Hey pretty." It freaked me out, his eyes, his low voice and his full behaviour.

"Hi..." I walked towards him slowly. 

He grabbed my uperarm. 

I yelped when he dug his nails in a just stitched wound. While Rex chuckled, this man stayed silent, dragging me to another room. "Just listen to what I ask you to do, that will make it easy. You can chose between losing your fingers or burn in this nice room..."

I slowly looked up at him. "What...?" 

"I am gonna cut off fingers or burn you alive..." He said it like it was nothing.

I stepped back in terror.

"Think about it, I am gonna get petroleum..." He locked the door and walked away.

I crawled into a corner and covered my ears with my hands, Humming softly to calm myself. My fear slowly disappeared, making place for something else. It felt weird but nice and I giggled due it. 

"Back!" The man chuckled and opened the door, having a red jerry can with him. He placed it down and closed the door, locking it before grabbing it again. He opened it and poured the stinky liquid over the ground. 

I watched him do and an idea popped up in my mind. But before I could get up, he threw the can away and hovered over me.

"So? Did you decide already?"

"Fingers," I smiled innocent and stuck out my hand. 

He grinned, "that's what I thought. What do you think of your... Thumb, index and ringfinger?" He pushed the knife against my ringringer. Blood streamed down my hand and weird enough, it calmed me even more.

I grabbed his hand and tried to cut him.

His eyes stayed empty when I succeeded. 

Anger rose inside me and I got up a bit, pushing him to make him lose balance.

He rolled off me and I was on top now. I grabbed his hand and grinned, grabbing the knife from his hand with a giggle, "thumb, index and ring right?" I cut off his thumb. 

For the first time I saw pain in is eyes and it gave me a good feeling, for no reason. Another giggle escaped my mouth and I did the same with his indexfinger. 

He tried to push me away, but I didn't let him.

I giggled, "don't do that..." And for no reason, I added a nickname, "pretty."

He tried to push me off with more force, and I finally rolled off him.

He got up quickly and grabbed his lighter quickly. "Give me the knife, now..." He kneeled down, holding the flame at just enough distance not to make fire.

I only chuckled, not even being scared a bit. If he would burn me... He would die as well.

The first flames appeared and it quickly started to spread through the whole room. He laughed, walking back to the door, not even caring that the flames burned his shirt. "Have fun with dying!" He unlocked the door, and exactly that moment I rushed to him, pushing him with all my force to the side.

"Bye pretty," I smiled and opened the door, stepping out.

His eyes filled with fear, "rue don't!"

"Why not, lovey? You wanted to do it with me as well."

He crawled towards me. His pants were on fire and his hair as well. Burns appeared on his skin. "Don't..." He whispered before he passed out due the smoke.

I stepped back and closed the door with a small giggle. I stared at the handle for a while, slowly turning back to myself.

God... I killed someone...

I slumped down on the ground, not believing what I just did.

I killed a guy that hadn't done anything yet. He was innocent... And I had liked it.

I had, yes. I had liked to see him scream, and see him burn, and I had loved to see the blood I had created. My hands were still covered in the bloodred liquid. I wiped it off them.

I couldn't save Eliana nor Scarlett, escaping would only mean death for them, so the kill only meant I wouldn't die for a bit longer.

"FINN? ARE YOU DONE WITH HER?" rex yelled from the end of the hallway, and I saw him walking closer. "What the fuck just happened?" He asked when he was close enough to see the blood on my hands and the knife on the ground.


He laid his hand on the handle, quickly pulling back as he felt the heat. "Did you seriously-" He looked down at me. "Is this what he got back? Is this what he got back for helping you for more than a year and for keeping you safe?"

I fell silent, staring at my hands. His words made me slowly realise what I had done. The only one that had looked after me was- "no..." I gasped, breaking down. "Nononono..."

"Oh yes, sweetie... You killed your best friend... And then tell me that I am the monster."

I broke down. From all the people I could've killed... Finn... I killed Finnie...

My world collapsed in front of my eyes.

He laughed loudly.

It made me flinch.

"Oh drama queen, maybe we should cool you down a bit, don't we?" He pulled me up and, "so you won't kill people anymore..."

I let him. I didn't care what he would do. If he would kill me I was fine with it as well. I deserved it. I killed the only friend I had back then... I was a murderer and while I killed him it had given me a good feeling. Now it was gone... And I lost a close friend...

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