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17-04-2023 factory, renovated part

P.O.V. Rex

After a long hot shower we both got out. Rue seemed a bit absent, but a bit less scared for me at least. After a nice round under the shower I had held her in my arms for a while in silence without it being uncomfortable. For the first time it had felt like she was really mine.

I threw a lingerie set at her, knowing that if I got the others suspicious I had to prove them wrong. I didn't want to, I just wanted to change things... Some parts in Leo's plan were just too horrible.

I had to clear my mind, so I grabbed my cigarettes and a lighter and left to the balcony.

After a while, I saw Rue sitting on my deskchair, reading the tag of one of my sojubottles. I could see from here she wanted to drink.

From the weeks I had watched her I knew she was addicted to the stuff and that she and her boyfriend had clear agreements now so she would tell him if she drank and she only did when she felt bad...

"Don't touch my stuff, young lady," I said, leaning against the doorframe nonchalantly. I blew out some smoke. 

She looked up from the bottle, quickly putting it back on my desk. "Sorry."

I slapped away an invisible fly in front of my face to show her that I wasn't angry and didn't care about that she did. I chuckled softly.

She got up and walked over to me. "Smoking is bad for you, you know?" She said and she grabbed a cigarette herself and lighted it.

"Yes I do..." I chuckled before walking back to the fence, placing my hands on it with stretched arms so I could lean on them while looking at the wide view.

She got next to me silently.

"Just remember that the moment we will leave my room we are back to enemies. I just had to try some shit out and besides... I don't even love you."

"If you want that," she muttered, "and I don't love you either. I just wanted to... See your nice and caring side as well. I don't know if it was acted or just the real you. But I like it badly."

I hummed in response, thinking about her words in silence. So she liked it... The only thing I had to do is to be sweet to her. It was easy to say... But deeds were something else and expecially Leonard and my close friends would find me weird and would try to kill me.

We stayed silent for a long time just smiking while looking at the view.

"Rex!" Brandon rushed into the room, immediately rushing to the balcony. His eyes fell on Rue for a few seconds before he turned to me, yanking me with him inside. "I am not gonna ask what happened here," he hissed, "cuz we have more important stuff then this shit. Leonard got killed by that bitch of his daughter."

"What...?" I frowned slightly, trying to see a hint of a joke in his eyes. I couldn't find any

"She killed him in the most terrible way ever, you have to see it, you have to- yk..."

"Well... That's messed up... We'll just go on with the plan for s-"

"Impossible... Some things we had planned for that sucker to do..."

"Don't call him like that," I hissed, "Rue killed Finn without her knowing, so we can always use that against her... Let's just stay calm and see what we can do," I slumped down on my desk chair, "jeez, this made the tables turn." I grabbed a random paper and squeezed it till it was a paper ball in my hand.

"Yeh," I saw Brandon's panic slowly ease.

I stared at the ground, searching for a good idea.

A few minutes earlier

P.O.V. Scarlett

My dad was, and I didn't lie, the most horrible person alive. It felt like my whole arms were open and they were sore and painfull. My dad kept going, stabbing the knife on every single spot he hadn't touched yet and moved his way down in this way to my fingers.

Eliana laid passed out on the ground, breathing difficult. They had brought her here a few minutes ago, and I could see from her bruises and missing nails something horrible had happened. Blood was running down her head.

Dad stabbed me in my upperarm again.

I gasped and grabbed his wrist.

He slapped me with his free hand.

"Don't..." I muttered, trying to slap him back.

My father snickered and hit me in my face. "You just don't... or you can watch your bestie die..."

I froze.

"That's what I thought..."

I glared at him.

"ahh, are you angr-"

I suddenly got up and pushed him on the ground, yanking his knife out of his hand and threw it on the ground. I could grab his gun now and I point it at him.

"Oh kill me, kiddo... do anything you wanna do to me... but you will get back everything you did to me..." 

He wasn't even scared, almost like he believed like I wouldn't dare anything like this.

I couldn't control myself anymore due all the anger. He had abused me every day. Day by day, the abuse got worse and now my revenge had come. I had tought about it so may times, but now I just wanted to get out of here... I pinned his hands down in the ground with two knifes before I grabbed the sides of his head.

I slammed it more then once against the ground with all the force I had.

Slowly, He started to appear off this world. His eyes a bit glassy.

I chuckles and did it once again, "not nice, hm? Getting your head slammed against the floor?"

A pool of blood started to spread on the ground and merged with my own blood.

A/N triggerwarning till the end :)

Leonard groaned in pain. His hair became wet from the blood and the white hairs were red now.

I chuckled and grabbed his throat and his hair tightly. I didn't know what possessed me, but anywho's... I forced his head with my elbow to the side and started pushing his head away from his shoulders. First only his chin.

Even more blood appeared and the only thing that my father could do was cough out blood.

Now the first wound had appeared I pushed his chin down against his shoulder while pulling the other down, trying to do the same at that side.

After that I got up with difficulty, making him sit.

The knives cut through his hands and made even larger wounds.

I sat on his lap and grabbed his head with both hands before turning it 360° horizontal.

the teawitch (the tea-series part one)Where stories live. Discover now