sleep and stitches

11 2 39

19-12-2022 Hobi's house, living room

P.O.V. Rue

I had stayed in the kitchen with Hoseok for more then an hour. I had cried the whole time and he calmed me. My fear that he would be a bad guy too was remained, and it only got bigger now I started to care about him a bit.

Even while he had offered me to sleep in his bed or in one of the guest rooms, I laid on the couch. Cuddling with a pillow like it was Storm, because I couldn't fall asleep. I still was scared someone would come in and kill me, like Rex did. So I ended up staring at the ceiling and waiting till dawn.

Storm tried to wiggle out my arms.

"Not yeett, lemme sleep, Stormm."

"Who is Storm?" Hobi chuckled.

"Oh," I was awake immediately and let go off the pillow. "Sorry."

I had fallen asleep, eventually. If he had wanted to he could have killed me when I was asleep... 

He smiled soft. "It's fine. Is Storm a nice guy?" 

I stayed silent for a while, "yeh... he was."

"oh," he sat down next to me, "anywho's, did you sleep well?"

Glad that he changed the subject, I nodded. "yeh. More then usual..."

Not that it was that hard to sleep 'more then usual' cuz that was an hour. 

"Happy to hear that, Rue... I let you sleep, but had to wake you, sorry... in about 2 hours I have to work, so depends on you if you wanna just leave and go back to the streets, or you stay a while longer with me and I'll drop you off at a female friend of me."

"my... opinion...?" I stared at the pillow that was laying on my lap. Rex had never cared about preferences... "whatever you prefer," I muttered in the end.

He chuckled soft, "For me it doesn't matter... but if you really wanna know, I don't wanna leave you on the streets."

"And are you sure I won't be a problem for you? Cuz you can always kick me out. I mean, I am traumatized and everything..."

Hoseok shrugged, "girl, It really doesn't matter."

"Then..." I played with my fingers, "with you, I guess."

His face lit up and a beautiful smile appeared on his face, "Cool! I'll tell Scarlett that you are coming as well then. You can grab some clothes from my closet, and... no, you still have those wounds so showering isn't a smart thing to do..."

"I can stitch... If you have some stuff for that."

"You can?" He jumped up and rushed to the kitchen, coming back with a first aid kit. "There you go, I'll call Scar."

I nodded and sat down crossed legged, searching through the box for the things I needed. 

Hoseok dumped himself next to me and called someone while I removed the soaked bandages around my wrist. 

"Hey scarlett!" 

I listened only half to his talk with his friend while I cleaned the wounds, stitching it up as carefully as possible with one hand. It took some concentration but it worked.

"Rue? what's your size?"

"hmm... I dunno... had only two dresses at Rex' and he bought them..."

"Okay, then I would say around yours, Scar... she is as tall as you..."

I sniffed, "you don't have to buy anything..." 

"oh, I only asked her to take some old clothes with her... Then you don't have to wear mine all the time."

I nodded giggling and went on with the rest of my arm meanwhile. 

He watched me curious, still talking with his friend on the phone. 

It took longer then I tought to do my arms, and stopped after them. Cleaning everything carefully and putting it back. 

"Do you want me to walk with you upstairs to get clothes?"

I shook my head, "Door at the end of the hallway, right?"

He nodded and took the first aid kit from me. "It doesn't matter to me what you take... if you wanna clean your face, bathroom is next to my room."

"okay, thanks," I smiled a little and walked upstairs, looking around. I only noticed now how big the house was. The hallway upstairs had more then 8 doors, and when I opened the door to his room I was astonished by the beauty and how large it was. It gave me vibes of Rex' house, but not in a bad way. 

It was a large room with a bed for two people and the light was nice and calm. The colours were happy, but not too painfull for my eyes. Hoseok was someone that cleaned everything and everything was ordened. When I opened his closet it was visible even more. Everything hung on colour, and jeez, the boy had way too many clothes for a human. 

I went through it, searching for a simple hoody and pants. Yes, it was oversized, but way better then showing my body off like I always had to with Rex. I grabbed one of his boxers and put that on first, followed by pants. After a few minutes searching I had found a belt so I could hold them up both. The hoodie I had claimed was way too large and reached to half my tighs. I rolled up the pipes of my jeans and my sleeves so I could function.

I walked to the bathroom, brushing my hair silently while staring at my reflection. Dark circles stood under my eyes, it was obvious that I had slept been sleeping bad the last couple of weeks. I washed my face quickly before walking down again.

Hoseok was waiting for me with a jacket over his arm. "I couldn't find any shoes for you, so I hope you don't mind walking on bare feet to my car..."

"It's fine, I had to do way worse things then that," I smiled a bit.

He held out the jacket so I could stick my arms in it.

I did quickly. "Thanks s- Hoseok..."

He rubbed the back of his neck, "aishh, just Hobi, please."

I bowed my head, "pardon... Thanks Hobi."

He shook his head with a chuckle and rested a hand on my back, leading me out of the house to his car.

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