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20-12-2022 Hoseoks house, livingroom

I woke up early. It was still dark outside and I saw snow falling. A dream about Rex had woke me up, but seeing the white flakes calmed me down a little. 

I got up and walked to the kitchen in the pyjamas I got from Eliana. It was the most covering from the nightclothes in the bag.

I had cut enough ingredients for more than one kettle, so a few minutes later, I sat on the counter with a hot cup of tea in my hands. I would go to Witchity... It made me nervous, but I was excited as well, seeing other witches of all kinds.

There were 7 diffrent types. Plant, potion, food, future, elemental, Healing and Tea. In our land of witches there were 7 autonomous regions (a/n thanks to quinten for writing there words :)) and each sent every five years their strongest witch to help ruling the land together with the Redwood family. At the moment only one of the rulers in the bound was a girl, all the others were boys. 

Entering this land was only for our kind, and if a diffrent one entered, he or she would be led to the league. With a few magical spells and potions they checked why they were there. Sometimes it was for help, then they mostly just fixed it with a simple thing, if it was for attack they mostly make the intruder forget everything.

I knew from some stories other magical countries did it a bit less peacefull way. And then mostly werewolves, Vampires and priests. They had the most enemies, while we witches were friends with everyone, so they feared anyone that came into their territory. 

I smiled a little, when I was younger I made friends with everyone, even a few no one else cared about, so they told me sometimes way too much about their land because they had no one else. 

I feared only some types of demons and devils, because they didn't have a good side. Even while I saw the good in everyone, these creatures of the underworld always searched for ways to hurt other creatures. Rex was nothing compared with that. 

The vibe he had given off when we went to his friends wasn't develisch, more a werewolf or something with a pack. 

I silently wondered about what he could be, and due that I didn't notice Hoseok came in. 

"Morning Rue," he said, smiling soft at me.

"Hey," I looked up. 

If I believed Scarlett and Eliana he would be an angel. Yes, maybe he was, but most of them only looked after ghosts, nothing else.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Hmm... Can be better... Fell asleep late, woke up early."

He nodded, "hmm... It isn't nothing, what that dude did to you. I hope that you sleep better tonight."

"Yeah, I hope so too... Did you sleep alright?"

"Yeah, I did, luckily."

"I am happy you did, sir..."

He smiled, "so polite." 

I nodded, "hmm, yeah."

He sat down next to me on the counter. "Woah, it snows again."

"It's pretty," I mumbled, giving him a short look before leaning against his shoulder a little. 

He wrapped his arm around me as we watched the sun rising slowly while the snow kept falling. It was beautiful. "How late do you want to go to that mysterious place?"

I hadn't told him anything about the land, just that I wanted to go to a friend. Explaining about such a big secret was impossible, one because it was much information, and two because I didn't know if he was a magical creature himself so it was forbidden to tell him.

the teawitch (the tea-series part one)Where stories live. Discover now