a league...

17 2 40

20-12-2023 Witchity, palace, entrance

I followed the guard inside. The floor was warm, luckily, because I still walked on bare feet. He walked way too quick, so I almost had to run to keep up with him. 

I have been here every year, and every time I admired every portait, every wall and stairs like I had never seen it before. 

He stopped in front of a door, straighting his back. "Behind this door is the league, you have to listen to them and be polite to them."

I nodded "yes sir." It felt like the business dinner. People in a room, Rex 2.0 next to me.

He knocked three times.

"Come in," a low voice responded. 

I swallowed. Last year the new bound started, so I knew not a single one of them. 

He opened the door and stepped in. "Goodnight, bound of Witchity. I have a girl here that says she is a witch, but doesn't have any ID with her. 

I looked up. "Hi-" I squeeked, fearing what they would do if they decided to make me forget everything. It would mean I would loose so many friends...

"Oh? We will ask her, don't worry about it, Duri. You can leave," the man with low voice said, standing up from the table. 

The 25 year old man was long and muscular, his Red hair in a neat haircut. His eyes were serious and dangerous at the same time, fire burning inside of it, ready to shoot me down. "So... Who is the young lady?" He walked over to me.

"Rue Lane," I muttered.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear you properly..." I knew he grinned, but I didn't look up to check it.

"Rue Lane, sir," I said, a little louder. 

"Oh! She is a Lane!" Someone said, "Lucian, she has to be a witch!"

It was a female witch, the only one in the whole group and seemed only a bit younger then the man called Lucian. She had a dark skintone and her black hair was braided in a thousand small braids that was bounded in a ponytail. She wore self made jewlery and smiled bright at me.

"A Lane?" Someone else sneered, "seriously? I tought they were dead." 

Lucian placed a finger under my chin and made me look up. "Your real name, kiddo. And Thalia, never believe what someone says immediately."

"My real name in Rue lane, sir."

"Nonsense!" The guy at the table sneered again. He had dark brown hair that curled slightly. His eyes were as green as a snake and had the same shape. He grinned a bit.

I staightened my back, "Rue lane, father is Luke Bell, a healing witch, mother is Willow Lane, a teawitch. Both died in a carcrash, I survived."

Lucian raised an eyebrow. "They died in an attack of a demon, no one survived."

"So you are telling me that I am a ghost?"

His eyes darkened more.

"I am sorry, sir. I just don't want to believe that the league thinks I am a human," I corrected myself, "I know what I am, and I am Rue."

Someone whispered softly.

When I looked up, the youngest of the bound was leaning to the girl. He had curly blond hair that was cut short to just under his ears and bright blue eyes that were sparkling happily

I looked away when I saw Thalia looking in my direction.

"Ebbe silence," Lucian hissed.

They both shut up.

the teawitch (the tea-series part one)Where stories live. Discover now