exes, fathers and monsters

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A/N triggerwarning, something with knives and blood this time

17-04-2023 Factory

P.O.V. Rue

I got pushed down on the bed again. They never stopped. Everytime I thought it was the last for this night, the next one came in and abused me in a way they liked. Some used knives, others just rape... And some just liked to scold me in every way possible to try to make me feel bad. 

Well, it worked. 

But even without those words I would. My body felt already sore and hurt and it became worser every round.

The guy that was ruining my arm with a knife got interrupted by Rex. "Enough for now... She has to explain something..." He yanked me up and forced me to walk. 

Pain spread through my body by every step. 

"Two girls have just arrived... For as far as I know... They are your friends. How did they trace your location?" He brought me to a huge room made of grey brickstones. Broad pillars stood there and it was ice cold.

He threw me against one of them hard.

I screamed as my back hit the edge and another sharp pain spread through my body. 

"How, hm?"

"I- I dunno..." I gasped for air and pushed myself up a bit on my arms, looking up at him. 

"Well, I don't want to hear any lies. You know that." He pushed me down to the ground and clapped out his own knife. "How?" His voice made me flinch. He sounded so angry but without a reason. I did nothing. I was sure about that.

"P-please sir... Stop..." I had trouble breathing due to my sobbing. 

He stabbed his knife into my arm and started to drag it down. 

I screamed.

"How?" His eyes were full of fire and hate. 

"I d-dunno, please s-stop!"

"I want an answer!"

"I-it wasn't me..."

He kept ruining my arm till it was nothing more then a bloody piece of flesh, but I kept saying it wasn't me.

"Rex..." I gasped again, curling up now he had let me go. "I swear that I don't know..."

"Then how?"

I shrugged trembling.

"Are you done, Rex?" Leonard walked in, and I immediately knew where I recognised Mingyu from, Scarletts brother. Could it really be... "Because my child stays annoying because she didn't see her friend..."

"Scarlett...?" I whispered with a raspy and soft voice.

"Yes, Scarlett." Leonard looked down on me, "long time no see, little girl. I hope you enjoyed the few months with my demon..."

"Fuck off, Leo," Rex muttered, "the girl doesn't want to tell anything. Maybe those girls will if you put them in the same room..."

Leonard chuckled and nodded, leaving again. 

"Just remember, little Rue, that if I don't know soon, they will get a nice treatment in one of my nice torture rooms."

I turned pale and nodded weakly before laying back down. 

P.O.V. Eliana

I got pulled up by a tall guy with brown messy hair. He grinned widely. "You are lucky... The boss lets you see the other pretty things..."

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