...and a lady

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20-12-2023 Witchity, Palace, door of lady Redwood.

We arrived at an even more luxe hallway, at the end of it a huge door. 

"There we are!" He smiled and dragged me towards it. He knocked, just like the guard, three times. "It's me, Ebbe! With your niece!"

The door flew open two seconds later and a gorgeous looking woman embraced me. "Oh, I missed you so much, my little Rue!"

"Hey aunt," I muttered. 

Lady Redwood was the high witch, almost like a queen, but she helped with decisions, and nothing more. She was tall and had a beautiful body. Just like the witches in the most stories she had long red and curling hair, falling down like waterfalls on her back. They reached to her hips. As always, she wore her long green with black dress and a black cape with cap. The cap was useless, since she always had her bigass witch hat on her head, made of soft fabric and decorated with small golden thread. At the tip hangs a small charm in the shape of a moon.

The high witch, that what she was now, had all the magic of witches. So she could make all the magical ingredients, see the future, healing and make tea. I didn't know about the animal magic, but she had her bestie Raven. And it was a Raven, funny enough.

"It's good to see you, lovey," she pecked my hair before she turned back into her formal state. "What brought you here this sudden?"

"Well... i was wondering if you took my moms stuff back after she died."

She stayed silent for a while. "Lemme check, okay? You can walk with me."

I nodded and stepped into her quarters. She had a whole tower for herself, and she kept everything clean with the help of few maids. "How are you, sweety?" She asked while walking through her workroom to the stairs. 

"Uhm, I am a bit better now. I had a lot of drama..." I told her everything, or almost everything. She didn't have to know about Storm, and not all the details, but I explained about what Rex had done, and how I met Hoseok.

"I'll tell you one thing, Rue... that last guy, you have to keep him. He will give you the best future you can think of."

"Really?" My eyes lit up as I helped her searching through a room full of shelving units. Everything was packed in boxes with labels. But there were 5 with family stuff.

Finally, after more then an hour searching, my aunt held up an witching book and a magical creature book, "there they are! And the rest too!" She grabbed a smaller box out of it. "And the tea.. and last but not least." She took out a witch hat. It had been from my mom and she had always promised me that one day, it would be mine. 

It was black, with two purple fabrics around the top part. A small pattern went from the tip all down to the side, were a small triangle hang with an amulet. 

I put it on with a happy smile. 

"You look beautiful!" My aunt smiled, "even without, but wow!"

I giggled, "thanks."

"Oh, I am sure your mom would have loved to see you like this, pretty. Oh, and before you leave, The guy you live with is probably an angel... Or a priest, but I don't think so. But he is one, so just tell him about the magical world."

"How do you know he is one?"

"I can't see him in any of my future seeings."

I nodded, "okay, I will tell him..." I walked over to her boxes and searched quickly for a last thing. I got out a copy of my magical ID. It was a shining silver card with a foto that changed every minute. The funniest but kinda sad one was when someone had been splached. The foto changed to how he looked like and it was pretty sad... "I'll visit soon, I promise."

She gave me a last hug before I hopped down all the stairs, back to the hallway. I couldn't let it to give a last visit to the League, and then specially Lucian.

I knocked three times.

"Come in," someone muttered.

They were eating their breakfast now, some had their parter now with them.

Sadly enough, Riki was claimed by a young woman with long black hair and dark brown eyes. She smiled softly at me before going back in her discussion with the girl next to her.

She was the girlfriend of Aiden and had long white blond hair. Her bright blue eyes were locked on her friend and she was smiling in a lovely way.

"What's the matter, hm?" Lucian stood up.

I raised my chin, "Thanks for calling me a intruder, sir," I showed him my ID. "Rue Lane, parents are Luke bell, brother of lady Red wood and a healing witch, mother is Willow Lane, a Teawitch and old league member."

He stared at my card.

"So if my aunt dies, and I hope that it won't happen, I will become your queen. Look out with what you say, sir, and have a good day." I walked back out of the room, a small grin on my lips.

I hopped outside in the direction of the place I came from. In the middle of the grassfield I took another sip and teleported back to the alley I had been earlier.

the teawitch (the tea-series part one)Where stories live. Discover now