03-03-2023 restaurant, dining hall

P.O.V. Eliana

We watched her leave. Her body language was enough to tell us she was scared and sad.

I turned to where she had looked at and saw a tall and young man walking in our direction. His eyes longed with mine and I saw pain... 

"Damn," Scar whispered next to me.

"Yeh..." I smiled politely at the guy.

He arrived at our table, "hey, sorry I disturb you two... But I think I recognized the girl that just ran off... Is she alright?" He said, digging his hands in the pockets of his pants. He seemed worried.

"Yes, she saw someone she knew, and that guy or girl was probably someone she didn't like," I answered.

"Right... That's me, I guess... We had a relationship but then she suddenly left for someone else..."

I frowned slightly, "sorry, but first of all, Rue never had a boyfriend before, she just told us and I know her enough now that she doesn't break hearts. She only heals them..."

He sighed, "I don't wanna make this difficult for you... Just tell her I said hi and that she at least can respond on my texts. I just wanted to know how she is."

"Well, she is fine now," Scalett said, straightening her back, "but if you were the guy she lived with for two years you better shut up, since you gave her a goddamn trauma."

"I did nothing to her... I tried to stop her from escaping all sorces of fire... She had a car crash before we met, and I picked her up from the streets...  I tried to help her but she only pushed me away. In the end we had something, so we were a couple and everything, when I found out the car crash was fake and she only was trying to get the attention she needed. Then... She suddenly broke up with me and replaced with someone new, but I am sure she turned some things around."

"Then tell me about those cuts she had, and about why she didn't trust any of us..."

"She- cuts...?" He looked up surprised and worried at the same time. "Was she depressed?" He slumped down or Rue's chair, staring at nothing for a while. 

"I dunno, but it seems like you didn't know... She wore bandages around her arms for way too long... And..." Scarlett muttered. We both didn't understand what was happening.

"I had to take care of her better..." The man muttered and got up, "I am sorry I disturbed you two, just tell her that I still miss her and that she has to take care of herself..."

P.O.V. Rue

There I was, back in the restroom, staring at my reflection while crying. 

Rex was here... I had seen him. He had looked happy. 

"Can I help you, young lady?" A woman walked in and looked worried at my teary eyes.

I shook my head, quickly wiping my tears. "It's nothing..." 

"If you say so..."

I nodded and sat down on a chair, taking my phone out of my pocket. A new bunch of messages had appeared.



No joke, lovey
Don't you remember me?
Ah, nice, are you ignoring me
I'll see you later this evening, Rue...

Fuck off
Who the hell are you?

Don't you remember me? 
It's me, your ex Rex :)
Can we make a little deal?

What do you want? 
Because no, I don't want to do anything with you, ever. And you are not my ex

I think you are...
Anywho's, you seemed a bit upset when you saw me, I told your pretty friends that I knew you because you were a drama queen that wanted attention, just do that act and I won't bother them any longer
That girl in she short dress looks astonishing, she could be my next project ;)

Stay away from all of them-
Just fyck off out my life

Love you too, sweetheart. Just do it, because Scarlett looks damn hot, and that Eliana girl as well... Maybe I don't even need you anymore, those two are enough

What do you want me to do...? 
How can I keep you awya from my friends?

Just tell them I was your ex, you sumped me for that ritch idol dude since you are a hella big gold digger, and you lied about the pretty things I still wanna so with you :)

Fuck you..


Seriously? You know I will never do that again with you.

Hmm, oh, if I get you in my hands again you will be punished so badly... What do you think of some nice rounds with all of my friends without making you able to sleep?

I swear, I am hoing to the police

I swear, if you do that, my friends will nicely tortue your boyfriend till he doesn't want to live anymore. Hmm... Maybe I'll make you listen to his screams all night... Yeah, that sounds great...

Fuck off...

Hmm, just don't tell anyone you are chatting eith me again, and act a bit depressed but angry, love you baby


I stared at my phone trembling, not knowing what to do. I got up after a few minutes and tried to get away the red in my eyes before heading back to our table. 

Both looked up worried.

"Rue? Are you alright?" El said, pushing me down on a chair gently. 

I nodded, "sorry I ruined this, girls..." I drew on the table. "I didn't know he would be here..."

"That guy? Is it Rex?" El asked worried.

I nodded, "Yeah, he is." I thought back to his threats. I didn't dare to say anything he told me to say.

They both nodded and we fell silent.

Scarlett shoved a cup of tea in my direction. "He said orange was your favourite tea, so..."

I nodded, "it is..." I muttered, taking it silently. "I am surprised he remembered it."  And I meant that. I had only told him once, but he still knew it.

"That's nice of him," El smiled softly at me.

"Yeah, it is."

the teawitch (the tea-series part one)Where stories live. Discover now