seven minutes in hell

12 3 57

A/N, again a trigger warning

17-04-2023 Factory, open space

P.O.V. Rue

Alex came back in, grinning widely. "Did you like the surprise?"

I shook my head as I moved my gaze to him. I had been sitting close to Daisy, curled up due the cold winds. 

"you are coming with me baby..." He yanked me up by grabbing me at my hair. 

He lead me to another room. 

Rex leaned against an iron table, his arms crossed tightly over his chest with tensed muscles. He wore a black shirt that was stretched over his chest and showed off his chest muscles. If I hadn't known him, I would have found him hot. 

"Hi sir..." I whispered, bowing my head.

"Hey love..." I heard him approach slowly. "You look beautiful for me..." I felt his hands stroking over my body. He forced me to look up by placing a finger under my chin, "Don't you welcome your boyfriend with a nice kiss?" 

I swallowed when he pushed me against the wall, pressing his lips on mine. I didn't answer it. 

A sharp pain shot through my body from my thigh. Rex grinned, pulling back for a second, "Do what I tell you to do, remember?"


He dragged the knife down, "Sorry who?"

"Sorry sir..." I muttered.

"I can't hear you..." 

I felt the metal scape over my bone and I screamed, "Sorry! Sir please..."

Rex chuckled and pulled back the knife before he pressed his lips back on mine. 

I kissed back this time while tears from pain streamed over my cheeks.

He pecked them away after a long deep kiss. "That's better, love. Now don't be a baby and stop crying. Lex and I thought about some nice games... I hope you remembered them, since I am not gonna explain the rules again... the firetruck game and seven minutes in... heaven... and probably for you hell."

yes, I remembered the 'rules'. The firetruck game was a nasty raping game, stating with a boy laying his hand on the thigh of the girl and he moved his hand up. The girl could say stop, but... the seven minutes in heaven was a game where they locked you up with someone in a closet or other small room and opened it again after 7 minutes.

I felt the cold iron table hitting against the back of my legs as Rex lead me there. He made me turn around. "But first I will clean you from that rich dude..." Rex pushed my head to the table to make me bend over.

I froze, letting it happen, letting him pull down my panties... I heard him loosen his belt and unbutton his pants. His breath warmed my back a bit as he stepped closer. 

(a/n hehe, I am not good at writing this kind of shit, if you don't want to read it, then skip it till the end)

He slammed in and I cried out in pain. A sharp pain of the tip of his knife in my back combinded it when Rex started drawing with it on my back. His thrusts were deep and painful, making pain shots flow through my spine, and at the same time the table where I hit against with every thrust. I was locked between the cold iron and the warm body of the monster behind me. 

I clamped my hands around the side of the table tightly and pushed my head against the table. Tears filled my eyes again and I kept screaming in pain. 

He sped up a little to make me even scream harder and he laughed loudly. 

After a few minutes, he climaxed inside of me with a loud moan and pulled out. He only fixed his own pants. "Turn around, love, and fix yourself a bit up for Alex."

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