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23-12-2020 rex' house, bedroom

I woke up screaminf from a terrible nightmare. With wide eyes I sat up straight, looking around for any sign of something that could calm me down. 

I was still in Rex' room. He was still asleep. His bad boy vibe had dissapeard. His muscles were relaxed now and he laid curles up next to me. 

I smiled weak, rubbing the tears away. Silently, I got out of bed and sneaked to his desk. Now he removed some stuff the only things that laid there were a pack of cigarettes, lighter and some paperwork. 

So he was a smoker. I could live with that...

Again I rubbed my eyes while exploring the rest of the room. I took a peek around the curtains and stared astonished at the view. Past evening we had driven to the east side of the city. From the room I could admire the mountains, tops sprinkled with snow. A small path led too it through a wide field of nothing but grass. A little bunny hopped through it happily in the early morning.

I stared at it silently at it for more then half an hour. Calming down a lil by the pretty view. 

Someone wrapped a blanket around my shoulders. When I looked up, Rex smiles at me warm. "Take care of yourself, little girl... You aren't wearing anything..."

I nodded and went on with watching the deer that hopped happily through the grass. 

"Do you want some of my clothes maybe? My friends can be... A lil too clinchy around you when they see too much of your body..." He chuckled soft.

"Only if that isn't a problem..." I muttered, playing with the border of the black curtain. 

"I told you yesterday... I'll ask Finnie... He is the smallest of us."

I nodded, whining softly when I noticed a wolf appeared, close to the deer. 

"What's the-" Rex turned to the window as well and chuckled again, "that's nature, Rue... Think about how hungy that wolf is..."

"He should eat grass," I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest. "Think about the deers kids..."

He laughed soft, "Think about the poor wolf pups that are waiting at home starving..."

"nooo, deers are way more cute," I whined again, turning my back to the two animals. 

Rex rolled his eyes. "go take a shower... I'll fix some clothes for you."

"I don't n-"

"you do... you smell, lovey..."

I sighed, but got up. "where is the bathroom then...?"

He led me to a large bathroom and quickly explained about the shower.

I took a quick and cold shower, not wanting to use warm water. When I stepped out, trembeling a lil. A warmed up towel was waiting for me over the heater. Rex left it there and a pile of men clothes lay on a chair. I dried myself quickly, looking at the clothes after that. A lil too big pair of pants, a belt to keep it from falling down, an oversized shirt and some underwear plus socks. 

I stared into the mirror for a while at my naked body. The long wounds that were only half cured. I could ask Rex for stitching stuff, I tought while taking on the clothes he gave me. 

When I stepped out the bathroom, Finn was waiting for me and smiled weak. "Hi."

"Hi.. thanks for the clothes."

He frowned a bit, "Rex didn't ask... But welcome i guess... Listen... It isn't smart to stay here. Rex only acts nice, he did that with all of his girls-"

"Oh... Well, it looks like he means it..." I shrugged, "and you should look a little better, maybe he likes the girls first and after a while he looses feelings for them."

"Oh, you are so innocent... Just think about me in a few months... I hope you regret this later and leave before it is too late..."

I nodded a little. "Will try... But I won't promise you... My mom always said I saw only the good in people and gave them too much chances, even if they didn't deserve it..."

"I'll just warn you again when the time is ready."

"Better do... Do you know if there are stitching things here?"

"Uhm, yeah, but none of us can stitch. There is a first aid kit in the kitchen."

"Oh, I can do that myself," I smiled and followed him downstairs, in the back of my mind still busy with what he said. 

"Who teached you?" He opened a drawer and got out an aid kit, placing it in the counter. The kitchen was made of dark wood as well. Most of the kitchenware was placed in them, only the knifes were hanging in full sight with magnets at the wall. 

I looked through the box, "my mother was a doctor. I want to become one too... Or wanted..." I sat down on the ground and rolled up my sleeve. 

Finn watched curious how I stitched up all the wounds. 

When I was done I wiped all the blood away and washed the stuff clean. 

Rex walked in with a warm smile. "Hey, are you hungry?" He grabbed a sack from the counter. 

"Not very... I'll just grab some fruit..." 

"If you say so..." 

I nodded and placed the first aid kit back in place. Taking an apple.

Finn left quickly to the living room.

"You showered quickly..." Rex said, making me sit on the counter.  "Don't tell me you only did that to save our money, Rue. We are not that poor. A friend of mine, Jacob, is rich... That zero point one pound..."

"Let me," I muttered and played with the fabric of my shirt.

"Hmm, I will, but just know that money isn't the problem."

I nodded and took a bite of my apple. "What do you do for a living?"

"Oh... That's complicated to explain... But... It makes a lot of money... Only down side of it is that I have a very irregular schedule... They text me in the day itself they have to see me."

"Oh... Sounds... Difficult if you want to go out or something..."

"It is... But all my friends work there too, so it's fun," he smiled, "but this evening I am free... You wanna go shopping with me for some better clothes?"


Thanks to my friend he can read quickly... Already a new chapterr :)

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