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A/N, from this chapter there will be scenes with dead people, torture and maybe descibed rape, so just for your info
17-04-2023 bridge

P.O.V. Rue

Excactly at midnight, I heard a phone ring. I walked over the empty pavement towards the sound and took the old nokia. The sound stopped.

I sank down on a bench and searched in the light of the lamp post on the buttons for the contact button. I called the first number, just like he said.

"Helloww~" It wasn't Rex that took up the phone, but someone else. I recognised him as Jacob, the hot guy in suit... and he liked me, in a bad way, so I had seen him once in the two days at least. 

"Hey Jacob..." I muttered, staring at the ground. "What do you want me to do?"

"it is sir for you, lovey... I heared you were already on 7 punishments... it will become 8..." He chuckled, "step one wass... let me see... destroy your normal phone... but not too much so your friends can still see the location you are now at."

I swallowed and laid the phone Hobi had given me. The glass shattered when I kicked my phone on the ground, at the same time I felt my heart break a little. I kept doing it till it fully went off. 

"hmm... that's good... okay, then I want you to stand up and walk to the swimmingpool. The closed one..."

I did, walking slowly to the old building. They had closed it after someone had drowned, and people said that it was haunted there.

Not that I believed that. It was just a little story that parents told their children.

"The door is open... I want you to go to the composition pool."

I did.

The water looked horrible. It obviously wasn't cleaned in years and I would never have swum in it without someone forcing me to.

"We are gonna check if you wear any devices or weapons, so I want you to get naked, leave your clothes on the ground at your feet and swim to the other side and back."

I swallowed and placed the phone down, starting to take off my clothes.

I heard Jacob chuckle as I got rid of the last things. "Nice girl..."

I turned 360 degrees, searching for any men close, only to find a small red light. Camera's...

I dove in to the water. On my way to the other side my disgust grew for all the things that were in the water and it distracted me a bit for a few seconds.

I pulled myself up at the other side a bit to catch my breath before I dove back in, swimming back calmly.

As I got out, soaked and cold, I noticed that some of my clothes had disappeared. I walked back to the phone. "And now, sir?"

"Put back your clothes, pretty.."

I did. It didn't take long since the only things that were left was underwear and my sports bra.

"Brandon is close, he will pick you up and bring you here... It was nice speaking to you and seeing you like how you belong..." He hung up with a chuckle.

"Well... Okay?" I placed the phone on the ground.

"That's what we wanna see, keep in that position a bit longer and you are taken..." Brandon walked in with a wide grin on his lips.

I got up and turned to him.

He was even more muscular now. I knew from half a year ago he liked to make dirty comments on everything I did. I learned to ignore most of it, but I had to start over again.

"Hi Sir..." I said, placing my hands behind my back.

"Hellow lovey, walk with me..." He wrapped an arm around my waist and brought me back outside. It was april, but it still was icecold outside.

He opened the backdoor of a car. "Sit down."

I obeyed quickly and shoved in. I noticed Jacob in the front, looking on his laptop, and next to me was the white blond Alex waiting for me. "Hi..."

He placed his hand on my thigh. "Hey baby..." He grinned.

We arrived after more then an hour drive. Hobi would wake up around six to my calculations, so he wouldn't stop me any time soon.

Alex dragged me out, wrapping an arm around me. "Rex prepared a nice surprise for you, so have fun already..." He lead me inside a large and old factory. At some places it seemed like it would collapse with only a bit of movement.

We came into a dark hallway. It smelled like dead animals and blood, but that wasn't the worst yet...

He pushed me into an open space. "Have fun with your bestie, we have to prepare some more things before we can start..." I locked the door behind me.

I slowly walked a bit further. The moonlight wasn't enough to clear a hit of the darkness and I had to find my way myself. "D-daisy?!"

My voice echoed through the whole place.

I walked towards a disgusting smell. Rotten flesh...

The moment I saw daisy, I stumbled back with a scream.

She laid there on the ground. Her legs removed. She had a pale skin and seemed lifeless.

"Daisy...?" I whispered as I got the braveness to kneel down. I took her wrist and searching for a pulse. Nowhere...

I broke down, crawling away from the body as I cried. I could have known he would do this...

the teawitch (the tea-series part one)Where stories live. Discover now