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17-04-2023 highway, car

P.O.V. Rue

The girls were both in a deadly state, and I knew I was as well close to passing out. But I kept telling myself nothing was wrong, trying to convince myself so I would stay away a bit longer. Scarlett had passed out already, and El had her eyes closed. They both looked horrible, and were bleeding heavily. 

I needed adrenaline... Something to... I grabbed a pack of cigarettes from the console between the frontchairs. I knew it only had a bit of it, and I hoped it would work. I grabbed one and held it between my teeth while searching a lighter. As I finally found it, I lighted it and opened the window. 

"El?" I muttered after a while.

She groaned as an answer. 

"Are you able to call 911?" I looked at her in the rearmirror.

She opened her eyes half, "dunno..."

"Oh... Do you feel very bad?"


I sighed, letting it and just sped up even more. I drove off the highway and ignored all the red lights. If we got fines then Hobi would probably wouldn't mind to pay them, and it was dark, so no one was on the streets. 

I took another drag. I didn't know if it worked, but at least it distracted me from the pain in my body. Rex had made it bleed down there due his nails and some wounds were open again. 

"Rue..-" El gasped.


"I- I feel..." She passed out as well, falling against the cardoor with her head. 

"Fuck...." I drove onto the parking of the hospital and drove to the ER, parking In front of the entrance and got out put, screaming for help. 

As soon as a doc saw my state and the one of the girls I tried to drag out, he called for assistance and they lifted them both on a stretcher.

"Miss, please lay down..."

I shook my head stubbornly and tried to get to the girls that they already pushed inside.

"Lay down... You can see them later but you are dying..."

"I am not! I have to stay with them!"

"Listen... We take care of this first..." A male doc tried to lay me down but I screamed, scared that he would hurt me. I slumped down on the ground, my legs weren't working anymore but I pushed away ever hand that tried to help me. I broke down more and more by every touch. 

I was cold and I didn't feel safe at all. The only thing I wanted was two strong arms around me but the people were scary, trying to touch my wounds. "F-fuck off!" I screamed again.

Some left, one stayed and kneeled down, "miss... Can we call someone for you?" A woman asked.

I looked up with teary eyes, "hobi..."

"Do you have his phonenumber?" 

I nodded, but at that moment my head became even more a mess, throwing the numbers in wrong orders. 

after more then 5 tries we finally had the right one and she handed me the phone. "H-hobi?" I whispered.

"Baby!" The moment I heared his voice I broke down, being relieved and sad at the same time.

"I- I am so sorry..." I sobbed, letting the woman pull me on the stretcher. I held her phone like it was my life that I was holding, and maybe it was.

"Hey... It's fine, alright? Are you at the hospital?"


"Okey... I am on my way."

I could hear some cracking noices in the background and voices. 

"Yoongs and Kook come with me... Are the others alright?"


"Are they alive?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeh..." I watched how the female doc connected me to a few drips, heart monitor and other things. She didn't have to remove clothes. The only thing I wore was thin lingerie that was useless. It was less fabric then a napkin... I think even half of it. 

"Can you stay awake for me, baby?" Hobi muttered. 

I stared at the ceiling. "Yeh..."

"Did they hurt you a lot?" 

"Hmm..." I hadn't the energy to give long answers. "The others more..."

"Okay... Kook parks now, I am close... Stay awake okay?"


The woman smiled as I hung up, sliding the phone a bit in her direction. "Thanks, your friend must be a sweet boy."

I nodded slowly, "he is..." A small smile appeared on my face as I thought about him. He hadn't sounded angry, just worried. 

"Rue!" Hobi rushed in, not wearing a jacket and his hair was messy and dark circles stood under his eyes. "Oh god, are you alright? Do you need anything? Was it-" he stopped talking, sinking down on the side of the bed, "are you alright?" He asked, a bit calmer.

I shrugged, tearing up again. 

"Hey..." He bowed over me, pecking my forehead softly. 

I felt his hand on mine, stroking the back of it with his thumb. 

"I am here now, baby... I won't let anyone hurt you ever again..."

I wanted to hug him, I wanted to disappear in his arms and never get out of them ever again. But I didn't have enough energy to even say anything. The only thing I could was cry. Tears streaming down my face. They made my sight glassy.

The matress sunk a bit my his weight as he laid down next to me. "Lovey... Do you want me to touch you?"

I nodded.

"A hug?"

I nodded again.

He wrapped his arms carefully around me, scared that he would hurt me. "Hey..." Hobi chuckled, "you smell like cigarettes and blood, lovey..." He helped me rolling on my side and pulled me against his chest. I felt his nose in my hair, his hand that stroked my back... And I felt safe. Back in his arms, with his promise to protect me, and with the knowledge Rex and Leonard were dead... No one would hurt me anymore... Hopefully

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