Episode 28 - Y/n the Scam Artist

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Location: Somewhere in Downtown Creation City


Somewhere in Downtown Creation City, we see Wario and Shroomy with Wario behind a stand, with a deck of cards and a crystal ball on his desk as he is doing another scam without Waluigi, who is currently on his evil plan for revenge.

Wario: (to Shroomy) And now, the cards will tell your fate! (Begins chanting)

Shroomy: Ooohooh!

Wario: (Groaning) oooh yeeahhh... (Suddenly) Abracadabra!

Wario then flips over a card, revealing a Pokémon card of Cory Baxter.

Wario: [Very Loud Gasp] Oh no!

Shroomy: What? What does it mean!?

Wario: NOT THE CORY IN THE HOUSE CARD! That's a ba-jillion years of bad luck!..

Shroomy: (Screaming and turning head skywards) NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Then suddenly, a cart falls out of nowhere, containing random items such as a Super Bell, a copy of Super Mario 64, a Yoshi egg, and a skull.]

Wario: Luckily, I have a whole bunch of crazy charms just for you! Need a rabbit's paw? Why not just take the whole rabbit! (

Wario pulls Demoman (Team Fortress 2) in a rabbit costume from out of the cart.

Wario: Or this live lucky cat!

The cat falls over and does not get up, presumably dead.

Wario: Uhh...THIS COULD ALL BE YOURS! Just for the low price of 1,000,000 gold coins!

Shroomy: Hmm....

Wario then begins to worry that this might fail and hopes that Shroomy is not as smart as he thinks he might be as Shroomy brings out 1 million coins out of his pocket.

Shroomy: I don't want to be unlucky so...I'll buy it all!

What an idiot.

Wario: (Gasping in Excitement)

Wario then proceeds to grab the cash until Shroomy notices a garden gnome walking all about, talking like a leprechaun and minding his own business that managed to get Shroomy's attention.

Shroomy: Huh? What's that? Oooo! A leprechaun! (Runs after the leprechaun) Hey, Mr. Leprechaun! Come here, I need to rub you all over my body.

Dear god! Somebody call the police!

Shroomy: No! Wait! Please come back! I don't want to be unlucky!

Wario: God-dammit!!!

With his latest scheme another total failure, Wario then decides to take a walk down the street to think about what he did wrong on his latest scam to get rich quick.

Wario: (Growls) Ever since Waluigi left it's been harder and harder to scam people.

Then for some reason, Wario then started to think about Waluigi and is starting to worry about him since he disappeared out of nowhere, not noticing that he started his evil plan that involves with his new powerful form, powered with rejection and using the infamous T-Pose Shrooms to start a T-Pose Zombie Apocalypse. Then he looked to see a couple of bank robbers that managed to rob the bank and setting the building on fire at the same time, imagining him and Waluigi robbing the bank in place of the two robbers.

Wario: Ugh, what am I saying, that idiot brother of mine was a...useless...pathetic...good for nothing...


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