WOTFI - Challenge #4

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Challenge #4: Mario Vs. Dark Mario - Who can hold their breath the longest?

Submitted by Bendyplayz234

As a challenge as simple as this, Mario and his Dark counterpart have to hold their breath the longest in order to win this challenge. So, with the timer set and Mario and Dark Mario took a deep breath, and the fourth challenge has begun as the two of them hold onto their breath until one of them gives it up to breathe some fresh air.

This is starting to get boring for the audience, so to make this interesting, both sides of the WOTFI decided to kick things up a notch by doing something to make either Mario or Dark Mario lost the challenge.

They tried making them watch funny or cringy memes, tricking them into eating a hot plate of spaghetti that smells really good enough to eat, or trying to scare them to death in order to make them give out.

However, all of those things didn't work and those two Mario's as those two are still holding onto their breath and they're both acting like a brick wall, not to mention that their faces are chasing colors due to the lack of oxygen in their lungs.

With nothing else left to do, SMG4 threw his phone in anger that caused to a nearby wooden shelf to fall down from the impact, making a bowling ball roll down from the shelf, bouncing off a few objects before it landed straight first into Dark Mario's crotch.

Dark Mario:

The huge amounts of pain from the impact of the bowling ball caused Dark Mario to scream in pain that is similar to the meme, "I'm bout to-" before he fell down to the ground, completely unconscious after that.

Guess SMG4 managed to do something to make Mario win the challenge as that stunt did the trick to make Dark Mario lose the challenge.




Note: Sorry if this challenge is short and all, but this is all I can think of to make this challenge more interesting and efficient. I did my best to write this, and I apologize to Bendyplayz234 for making this challenge too short.

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