WOTFI - Challenge #5

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Challenge #5: Waluigi and Mario Vs. Shadow Hand & Psycho Hand - Tennis Aces Match

Submitted by Inkling62

In this challenge against Dark Fleetway Y/n's two best minions, Shadow Hand & Psycho Hand in a game of Tennis, but from one of the games for the Nintendo Switch, Mario Tennis Aces. So, Waluigi and Mario had to work together to defeat those two dark hands in a tennis match, but more of a boss battle type of Tennis match from the game.

So, Mario and Waluigi got into their Tennis outfits and grabbed their tennis rackets and are ready to fight off against the two evil hands.

But before they head into the battlefield, Mario had to ask Waluigi why is on their side now since Dark Fleetway Y/n is now in control from the dark power he is possessing.

Mario: Waluigi, I gotta ask you? Why did you had to switch sides with us, even after all the trouble you caused before Y/n beat the absolute shit out of you?

Waluigi: (Sighs) Because after that two tailed fox doll had teleported me out of his way before he almost killed me, we both had a discussion after he healed my wounds and repaired my shattered bones. He told me that he has been rejected as well by everyone that lead him into the Internet Graveyard until he was later adopted by Y/n and he even told me the whole reason why Y/n always refused Master Hand's offer and I suddenly feel bad for him after he had offered him too many times.

Mario: What was the reason? Why doesn't Y/n want to be in Smash Bros.

Waluigi: The reason why...is because if I can't be in Smash Bros, then he won't accept his offer to be in Smash Bros either.

Mario: Oh that makes sense. You ready for this tennis match?

Waluigi: Oh yeah, this shouldn't take too long since I am a real expert in Tennis.

Mario: Wait a minute...I just thought of something.

Waluigi: What's that?

Mario: If you're so good with Tennis, then why didn't you use that as your special move as well as your expertise in making Tacos that made you open up a Taco stand.

Waluigi: (Realizes what he meant) You know what? You're right! Why didn't I use that instead of wasting my potential with all of that rejection energy? I should've done that instead of taking over the world.

Mario: Yeah, and if Master Hand didn't have to reject you so many times and let you in, none of this would've happened in the first place.

Waluigi: Yeah, I blame Master Hand for all of this.

Mario: Well, after we get Y/n back in the final battle of the WOTFI, why don't we pin the blame on Master Hand to get him arrested for starting this chaos.

Waluigi: Are you sure that's gonna work?

Mario: Of course, it will. Miyamoto has been noticing all of the emails that Master Hand has been sending it to Y/n's PC and phone. He is not happy with Master Hand's work performance at Nintendo HQ.

Waluigi: Oh ok. I see what you mean. Now let's go get those guys!

Mario: Oh yeah! Let's do it!

So then, the two of them went into the tennis court that resembles a dark medieval castle, and speak of the devils, the two dark hands, Shadow Hand and Psycho Hand arrived at the court, ready for a game of Tennis.

Shadow Hand: Well. Well. Well. If it isn't Mario and the jerkface himself, Waluigi. 

Psycho Hand: Are ready to get both your asses beaten up by the Hands of Darkness!!!

Mario: No way! We're gonna beat you bozos in this Tennis match cause Waluigi here is a major pro in Tennis!

Waluigi: That's right and so you better watch out cause Waluigi here is gonna send you back to Tennis School!

Shadow Hand: Very well then. Game on!

Psycho Hand: (Laughs Psychotically) I'm gonna use both of your spines as my nail file!!!

Boss Battle! - Shadow Hand and Psycho Hand - They can be a real "Handful"

As the boss battle began, the two dark hands started the first hit with Mario and Waluigi doing their best to fight off against the two Dark Hands with their tennis skills with Waluigi giving his all with a new sense of determination and confidence as he started swinging his racket like a pro that is giving both Shadow hand and Psycho Hand a hard time trying to hit the ball fast enough to avoid getting defeated by Mario and Waluigi as the red plumber does his best to help out Mario by helping Waluigi catch the ball before it could hit the court.

Then with a burst of energy, Waluigi unleash his newfound power through his racket and hit the ball that ricochet all over the walls that also caused the Two Dark Hands to receive major damage points that soon made slap each other that resulted in their defeat.

This defeat has declared Mario and the newly reformed Waluigi the winners of this tennis match.

But there are still more challenges to attend to if the gang wants to bring Y/n back to normal.

Stay tuned for the next WOTFI challenge.



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