Episode 05 - Mario & Y/n - The Boy Scouts

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Location: Somewhere in the Dark Wood Forest at the Mother Nature National Park


The story starts with both Y/n and Mario walking down the trail at the Dark Woods Forest with Mario holding a video camera, butt naked with Y/n wearing a camo outfit that is good enough to blend in with the forest itself as they both recorded a video about how to scare away bears in the wild and in Mario's case, just go naked and scream! Y/n was wearing the camo outfit so he can video tape the action without drawing any attention from the bears.

Mario: And that's how you scare away bears in the wild. Just go naked and scream! Next in Mario's 2nd guide in surviving in the wild is how to accept your death.

Then suddenly, both Y/n and Mario heard something nearby in the forest.

Mario: Oh boy, I hear small animals. You know what that means. (Pulls out a sniper rifle) It's hunting time.

Y/n: It's a good thing I'm wearing my camo army outfit.

So then, Y/n and Mario got their rifles ready and got into position to go hunting animals in the forest for sport.

Mario: Come here, fishy fishy! Here, fishy fishy!

Mario: Hmm? (Notices Fishy Boopkins and Bob starting a fire.) Oh, what the fuck?!

Y/n: Huh? Is that Bob and Fishy Boopkins camping out here in the woods? What a surprise.

Fishy Boopkins: (Fishy Boopkins noticed Mario and Y/n) Oh, hey guys!

Bob: UgH u StOoPiD wOoD!

Boopkins: What are you guys doing with those sniper rifles?

Y/n and Mario panicked and throws away the sniper rifles.

Mario: Oh uh, I'm just uhh... looking for a Luigi. Yeah.

Y/n: Yeah, that's right. We're looking for Luigi and making sure that he didn't get attacked by wild bears.

Mario: Yep. What the hell are you guys doing?

Boopkins: Oh! We're just trying to start a fire to get our boy scout badge.

Bob: CmOn. BuRn! DoN'T mAkE mE bRiNg OuT mY mIx-TaPeS.

Y/n: Boy Scouts? You guys are in the boy scouts?

Mario: Wowwww, a badge? I want some badges!

Y/n: Yeah, we can do something like that today. Can we join your boy scouts' group?

Fishy Boopkins: Sure thing. We could use some more members in the boy scout league.

Bob: oK, fUcK iT!

Bob then brings out a lighter and throws it into the fire pit, causing it to create a campfire.

Bob: YeAh BoY, I did iT!

Then we see the scoutmaster of the group known as Shroomy, who came by to congratulate Fishy Boopkins and Bob and give them both a badge for starting a campfire.

Shroomy: Hi, fellas! Good job on starting that fire! Y'all won a badge!

Boopkins: Aw, thanks you so much Shroomy, you're the best!

Y/n: Ah, so Shroomy's is the leader of this group. I see. Can me and Mario join the boy scouts as well?

Mario: Yeah! Mario and Y/n is good at fire-starting too!!!

Then Mario started running around in the forest using a flamethrower, causing a bit of a forest fire while Y/n just used the old primitive method of making a campfire with a few sticks, rocks, leaves and of course a lighter to create a campfire.

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