Episode 29 - The Mario and Y/n Carnival

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Location: Bob's Carnival - Creation City Fairgrounds


After Y/n's day of helping Wario with his scams as a professional scam artist, Y/n and Mario decided to go over to the Creation City Fairgrounds to take their mind of what's happening with Waluigi still up to his evil schemes that he is about to unfold and Wario is mysteriously gonna go look for his own brother to get him back home before his own reputation or worse, his own life as he knew how dangerous Y/n's own Dark form can be when it reaches to its breaking point when he collects enough dark, negative energy from Waluigi's rejection.

Right now, we see Bob announcing to the people at the fair that he is showing off the amazing prizes

Bob: Step right up! Step right up! Look at all the amazing gifts you can win at Bob's Carnival! It'll knock your tits off!

Mario: Oooooooh...

Y/n: Wooooooow...

Then we cut to Eggman football and the Mint-Conditioned, Limited-Edition, Platinum, Mega-Ultimate Deluxe Hello Kitty PS5 console with a heavenly choir playing in the background.



Then we move the camera to reveal a sign to both prizes that said that it both costs "100,000 tickets" each.

Mario: WHAT?! Why is it so expensive?!

Y/n: I think it's because of how valuable those prizes are. The more valuable and special the prizes are, the more tickets it costs to get it.

Bob: Ah, I see you two had laid your eyes on the mystical football artifact and the very special Hello-Kitty PS5 system. Two of the rarest items to offer at Bob's Carnival.

Mario: How does Mario and Y/n even get tickets?

Y/n: You got any cash to buy some tickets, Mario? I still got 500 gold coins from Wario and think tickets are at least cost a penny for 1 ticket each.

Mario: All I have is this crappy cash from Princess peach's savings.

Y/n: You stole her savings?! She's gonna flip out if she finds out that you stole it from her bank account!

Mario: She's not gonna notice.

As the two of the began arguing, Bob was too focused on the bags of cash as he plans to get his hands on their money.

Bob: Sweet baby Jesus! Don't worry, you'll soon be mine.

Mario: Uh...what did you just say?

Y/n: Yeah, what were you talking about, Bob?

Bob: Uhm, nothing. Anyway, so you two want a prize huh? Well, Bob's Carnival has a bunch of crazy games you two can play to earn some BOB tickets. Look at all these rigged-I mean, fun attractions! And if you're lucky enough, you can win some BOB tickets.

Mario: WOW! Mario and Y/n can play games and win prizes?!

Y/n: Well, let's go win some BOB tickets, so we can get those prizes?! I want that Hello Kitty PS5!!!

So then, Y/n and Mario ran off to play some games at Bob's Carnival as Bob shouts to them to not to forget to spend more money before he goes to the nearby dumpster to restock on more prizes.

Bob: Don't forget to spend all your money. Well, time to restock. (Dives into dumpster) Oh, these will make great prizes! He he he, the scamming business has been so easy since Waluigi went crazy, and Wario disappeared. Good thing, that Hello Kitty PS5 still in mint-condition and works as normal since I got it out of that mysterious, Golden Dumpster out back. Who knew that those things would contain valuable stuff like that Hello-Kitty PS5 system. I always thought they were a bunch of bologna, but I was wrong.

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