Final Battle - (The SMG4 Gang Vs. Dark Fleetway Y/n) - Season 2 Finale

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Location: Downtown Creation City


After taking on all of the 15 challenges in Dark Fleetway Y/n's WOTFI, the SMG4 gang and Waluigi finally made it out of the Dark Zone, but Dark Fleetway Y/n has had enough of this nonsense as he is about to give them the grand finale that they'll never forget with him and his clones ready to fight them once again.

Dark Fleetway Y/n: Enough of this! I'm done playing games! It's time for the grand finale! We're gonna play a match of Super Smash Each Other in the Ass Bros!

Mario: Sit on my ass and just play games?! Marios good at that!

Dark Mario: No you stupid idiot! We're gonna kick your asses and kill you after we all beat you to a bloody pulp!!! We're playing Super Smash Each Other in the Ass Bros! IN REAL LIFE!!!!!

Waluigi: Hell No! I'm done playing these games! I did all of this just to be in Smash Bros, but now I see that it's all for nothing and I blame Master Hand for all of this!!!

Master Hand: (Offended) HEY! THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!

SMG4: No! Waluigi's right! If you would've just let him in the Smash Bros. roster none of this would've happened in this first place and now our friend, Y/n has become a power-hungry monster!!!

Mario: Yeah, this is all your fault!!!!

Dark Fleetway Y/n: They're right about you, Master Hand and this is why I refused to accept your offers to be in Smash Bros. Playtime is over!! TIme for all of you to face my WRATH!!! Minions! ATTACK!!!

Dark Clones: Yes, Boss!

The dark clones began attacking the gang as everyone began fighting for their lives to save Y/n from the bad mojo inside of him. 

Unfortunately, even though that the gang have managed to beat them in the WOTFI Challenges, the gang is are no match for them as the negativity from their creator, Dark Fleetway Y/n is too strong for them to take down as everyone is getting beaten the literal crap out of them until they are too weak to fight back.

However as Waluigi is still struggling against Dark Wario, he refuses to give up on the fight.

Dark Wario: (Laughing Evilly) Give it up, loser! You're no match for us! You're gonna die here just everyone including your own brother!

That actually caused Waluigi to remember about his brother, Wario after he was too busy with his master plan and dealing with the shadow clones as he started to see flashbacks of him and Wario have the time of their lives, even after they've both been defeated multiple times by Y/n and his friends.

This has caused Waluigi to grow angry as the thought of seeing his own perish by the hands of Dark Fleetway Y/n has given Waluigi a brand new power to stop Dark Fleetway Y/n and save everyone from his dark power as he changes back to his Ultimate Form with....

The Power of...



Dark Wario: (Scared) I just shit my pants.

Waluigi then did a positive energy blast and shot it at Dark Wario as payback for attempting to kill Wario.


Dark Fleetway Y/n: WHAT!!! IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

Waluigi: Now you made me angry!!! No more Mr. Nice Waluigi! Time to take out the trash!!!


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