1. Vdekja

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"Y/N, I'm scared," your little sitter whispers to you as she clings onto your arm. The two of you and your younger brother sit in a small crate, listening to the sounds of screams and moans echo through the night.

"I know," you tell her, "I am too. But you can't cry." You put a finger to your lips to emphasize your point, looking at her tear-filled eyes. "Just look at Inosuke. Look at how brave he's being," you then say as you look at your brother who is sitting in the corner of the crate, his knees pulled up to his chest.

She nods, wiping her tears.

Suddenly, a loud shriek rings in your ears and the sound of something being dragged away follows. She begins to sniffle again and you have to shush her once more. "Hey, hey, look at me," you tell her. "Everything will be okay. Just trust me, alright?"

"B-but we're going to all get separated!" she exclaims.

You're about to tell her that's not true when the door to your crate suddenly slams open and a pair of hands reach in and grab you by the hair. You're pulled out and meet face-to-face with a blond man with the wildest eyes you've ever seen before. You're pretty sure they look like rainbows, but you're probably just seeing things.

He pulls you to your feet and pushes you against the outside of the crate. He then stares at you in what you can only describe as hatred and anger.

But when he speaks, you hear the complete opposite, and it makes your head spin even faster. "Who are you?" he asks softly.

"Y/N, sir," you answer.

"What are you doing here?" he then asks.

"M-my family got evicted from where we were staying and we had no choice but to go out on the streets. We've been there for almost a week, and then some people came and grabbed us," you explain, hoping that he'll understand why you're in the situation you're in. Maybe he's not as bad as you thought.

"And your parents?" he questions, leaning so close to you that you can see your reflection in his eyes.

"They're...they're dead," you whisper.

He pauses and looks back to the crate. "You have two little ones with you, too? Such a good big sister you are," he says.

Your face begins to heat up. "It's my duty as an older sibling."

"I understand," he sighs, taking a step back. "I'm not going to kill you, Y/N. You don't have to be so afraid. In fact, I am going to take all three of you with me. Does that sound okay?"

You nod slowly, your hands shaking. You don't have any reason to doubt him, so you'll just trust him. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet," he tells you, grabbing your hand and dragging you along. "Come along, now."

"But...what about them?" you ask.

"Don't worry, they're coming with us," he reassures. "Come on, now you two! Hurry up or you'll get left behind!"

As the two of you walk away, your little brother and his sitter crawl out of the crate and follow behind the two of you. The four of you then make your way into a car, and as soon as you're all inside, the driver takes off.

"So," the man starts, "where do you live?"

"Nowhere," your brother scoffs quietly, earning a nudge in the arm from you.

"What my brother means to say is that we were living in an abandoned building. It's gone now, though," you explain, hoping that the man won't question any further.

"How tragic," he mutters. "And your parents? When did they die?"

"A long time ago," you answer as you look down at your little sister. "Right after my sister was born. There was an attack. Both of our parents died and we were sent to an orphanage. Until they kicked us out because of my age."

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now