32. Moarte

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After Muzan and Doma are done feasting on their food and drinking what seems to be an alcoholic drink based on the smell alone, they turn their attention back to you.

"So, what are your talents, Y/N," Doma asks, trying to help you along.

"I can play the violin," you tell them, though the truth is you haven't played that since your parents were alive. "I learned it when I was a child."

Doma nods, pleased that you came up with an acceptable answer. "Anything else?"

"Well, my siblings used to tell me I was a good storyteller. I'd come up with a bunch of crazy ones to pass the time and distract them," you add.

"Very well," Doma grins, raising an eyebrow. "That'll do."

"Tell us a story," Muzan orders, leaning back against his chair and resting his head against his knuckles.

"When I was younger, my father was a very successful merchant and he took me on many trips as a child," you lie, but it does cause their interest to pique.

"Where did you go?" Doma questions aloud.

"We traveled to many different countries and he taught me about all different kinds of cultures," you nod. "There was this one trip where we were in the mountains. We had to walk up this steep path, so I was complaining. But then my father told me to be quiet. As I followed him, I started to hear a beautiful melody. It turns out, we had found a cave filled with the most majestic and colorful creatures I'd ever seen."

"Oh, and what was that?" Doma asked, clearly amused.

"Unicorns," you reply, knowing that these two aren't the least bit familiar with those creatures.

"Was that your favorite journey?" Muzan's eyes widen and, even though his lips curl into a devilish grin, his voice remains soft.

"It's quite hard to choose," you chuckle. "But there was one place that was special. It was the first place we had ever gone together. The city of Roman."

"Rome?" Muzan hums. "What was so great about Rome?"

"The people were so kind and generous. It felt as though everyone there had known us for such a long time. The food was amazing. The architecture was incredible. And the art was some of the most beautiful I had ever seen."

You then begin to weave a small story about the night market in Rome where you and your father had eaten fresh bread with olives and cheese. It causes the grin on Muzan's face to last a while longer.

"You must miss it," he hums once you finish.

"It's one of the places that makes me the most happy," you lie, though thinking back to the time with your family, it really was when you were the most happy.

The two demons then exchange a glance that you don't understand. Then Doma clears his throat. "I'm sure we can arrange something for her, right Muzan?"

"I'm sorry?" you ask, wondering if this is some sort of joke.

Muzan clears his throat as he looks back towards you. "Well, Y/N, if you ever find yourself wanting to return to Rome, let me know. I'd love to take you some time."

You decide not to question him about his choice of words and thank him for the offer instead. The rest of the evening then passes quickly. The demons eat and drink some more while Muzan asks Doma about his plans for the future.

"Demons are growing stronger," Doma nods. "We are preparing for the end of this foolish version of the world that these humans have clung onto for so long."

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now