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"Suma, you're in charge of taking care of her," Ubuyashiki instructs.

"Yes, sir! She can stay with me at my place," Suma nods her head profusely.

"That's a good idea, Suma. I will notify Uzui of the situation," Ubuyashiki replies as he holds out his arm to the side. You find it odd for a moment, until a black crow comes swooping down and lands on his arm. He then whispers something in the crow's ear and the bird flies off.

"Woah," you can't help but gasp.

"Thank you again, Master," Suma nods before leading you out of the room.

Suma then leads you out of the estate and the two of you walk to another, similar-looking building nearby.

"Well, this is it, Y/N," she beams over at you. "Your new home!"

You look up and admire the architecture of the house. It's very modern and sleek. The outside is a light shade of grey and brown while the roof is black. The windows are long and thin, stretching all the way down to the floor.

Suma leads you up a gravel path and slides open the door to the first room. She walks you over to the kitchen where she hands you a glass of water and tells you to wait.

While she's gone, you examine the place. It's so clean and spacious, it's almost intimidating.

"Hey," a familiar voice says from behind you. When you turn around, you see Suma again. However, this time she is accompanied by a man with two thick, golden rings around his large upper arms.

"Hello," you say quietly, not knowing what else to say as you scramble to your feet.

"I'm Tengen Uzui," the man greets you, holding out his hand.

You shake his hand and introduce yourself. His grip is strong and confident, just like his personality.

"How did a cute girl like you end up here?" he then questions, taking a seat on the couch.

"Oh," you start, "I, uh-"

"You already know the answer to that," Suma chimes in, shaking her head.

"That doesn't mean she can't tell me the story herself," he retorts.

You take a deep breath and recount the events from earlier. You tell him about your sister and Doma, but decide to leave out the part about your brother for now. Thankfully, Suma doesn't bring it up, either.

"Okay," he nods once you finish explaining everything to him. "You may stay here until you get back on your feet."

"Thank you, sir," you nod.

"This is great!" Suma cheers.

Uzui sighs, "Now, for some ground rules. You will take care to keep your room spotless and maintain proper etiquette. There will be no eating or drinking in your room. You must clean up after your own messes. And you must address me as Lord Tengen or Master Tengen."

"Yes, Lord Tengen," you nod your head slowly. "Um, may I ask what it is that you do for a living?"

"I'm a hashira," he answers, which means nothing to you. "I fight demons."


"Does she know nothing?" he sighs, looking at Suma with a defeated expression.

"She just arrived here today, Master Tengen. Don't expect her to know anything about demons," she says, shrugging.

"Fine. Y/N, that thing that ate your sister was a demon," Uzui explains. "We are a group of demon slayers who are fighting against these demons. There are twelve hashira and we are all assigned certain areas. My area happens to be right where Suma found you which explains how you ended up at my door."

"My sibling said something about demons before..." you mutter aloud. "But I just thought they were playing one of their weird games again."

"Demons are certainly no joke," Uzui shakes his head. "Especially the one you were able to escape from. It's quite impressive, I do say."

But his words mean little to you as all you can think of is poor Inosuke hiding in those vents.

"Do you want to sleep now?" Suma then asks.

"Actually," you whisper, "can you tell me more about the demon slayers?"

Uzui nods his head slowly, "Yes, of course. Suma, why don't you go see to Y/N's room?"

"Yes, sir," she bows before walking out of the room.

Uzui then begins to recount stories about his past and the different hashira he knows. He tells you about his three wives and how much he loves them. And he tells you about the different demons he has destroyed. Everything about him makes you so inspired to follow in his steps. To become a demon slayer.

"Alright, Y/N, I think it's time for you to get some rest. I'll go call for Suma," he then says after he finishes speaking. However, the second his back is turned to you, your arm reaches out and you grab him by the wrist.

Uzui looks at you with a puzzled expression.

"Can you teach me?"

"Teach you what?" he asks.

"How to become a demon slayer. I want to be like you, Lord Uzui," you say with stars in your eyes. It feels so good to finally know a way for you to protect someone in your family- your last blood relative left.

He's taken aback, but he quickly gathers his composure and clears his throat. "No. No, Y/N, I will not teach you."

"What? Why not?! I want to help!" you plead.

"It's far too dangerous for you. You've barely lived past your last encounter," he tells you, his tone getting rougher. "Suma! Come down here!"

"Then teach me how to fight and live through the encounters!" you try once more.

"No. This is the end of the discussion. You are to stay here and mind your own business," he orders, and you are immediately silenced.

Just then, Suma walks into the room. She can quickly tell the atmosphere is tense and she looks between the two of you with wide eyes.

"Suma," Uzui calls, looking at her once before glaring back down at you, "show her to her room."

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now