8. Smrt

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It has been a week since Uzui finally agreed to train you. Every moment since then, you have spent your time listening to the world around you and synchronizing your breathing. You've started to understand what Uzui meant when he talked about the rhythm of the world. It's like everything has a natural flow.

You've been training with him in his backyard, trying to perfect your breathing. Uzui is a great teacher. However, besides that first day, he hasn't let you use the swords that he gave you. But, to be honest, you haven't felt the need to use them ever since he taught you about your breathing. To you, his words are so sacred, and you don't want to forget a single one of them.

"Alright, today, we're going to use real swords," Uzui says as he barges into your room before the sunlight does.

You groan as you turn around in bed to see him walking towards you.

"Get up. It's time to go," he orders, pulling your covers off of your body.

"I was hoping I could sleep in just a bit longer," you complain, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.

"There's no time to waste," he shrugs. "I thought you'd be more excited."

"Hmm, but I can practice breathing in my bed, too," you sigh.

"You have ten minutes," he shakes his head. "I'll meet you outside."

Once Uzui leaves the room, you force yourself to stand up and stretch. You walk over to your closet and open the doors.

When you get outside, Uzui tosses you the Nirichin swords and begins his daily lecture about how you must be aware of your surroundings. You do as he says, closing your eyes and listening closely.

"Now, I'll give you some advice," Uzui continues, holding his own swords in his hands. "Suma is not very good with her footwork. You can use that against her."

"Wait what?" you ask, opening your eyes. You watch as Uzui steps back and Suma comes forward.

"Hey, Y/N," she grins.

"What's going on?"

"We're going to have a little sparring match," Uzui informs you.

"With Suma? But I thought..."

"Aw, what's wrong, Y/N," Suma grins. "Scared you're gonna lose?"

"No, I just-"

"Then let's begin," Uzui shouts, causing you to look at him.

"Master Tengen, shouldn't we prepare a bit-" you begin, only to get cut off by Suma charging at you.

You dodge her attack and swing your swords to counter, only for her to easily evade.

"You're not very good, are you?" Suma chuckles, before running back toward you. "I saw you practice last week. Must've been beginner's luck!"

Your eyebrows knit together as you watch her run towards you. Her legs are moving faster than you can comprehend. You're barely able to block her attacks.

"Faster, Y/N!" Uzui shouts, watching you.

It's hard to fight someone with years more experience than you. You can't help but feel completely outmatched.

You stumble backwards as she strikes your sword, causing the weapon to fall out of your grasp.

"Damn it," you mumble, picking up your other sword.

"Good work, Suma. I know you don't have much experience with two swords, so it's impressive that you could do that," Uzui compliments her.

Suma grins and gives him a small bow. "Thank you, Master Tengen," she whispers, her cheeks flushing a bright pink.

While Suma's distracted by Uzui's comments, you let out a small grumble. "I've gotta beat her."

Suma turns to face you, a confused expression on her face. "What was that, Y/N?"

"Don't worry about it," you smirk, gripping your sword tightly.

As Suma continues to fight, you begin to notice a pattern. It doesn't take you must longer to start anticipating her moves. Much to your surprise, your blade is able to deflect hers.

"Well, what do ya know," you hum. "You really aren't good at using two swords."

"Shut up," Suma grumbles, and you can see her face turn red.

You continue to dodge her blows, until, finally, she loses her footing. You take this opportunity to strike, and you manage to disarm her.

"That's not fair," Suma pouts. "How'd you do that?"

"I can see you're not used to fighting with two swords, so I figured I'd wait for you to lose your balance," you explain, and she lets out a small 'hmph' as she stands to her feet.

"Don't worry about it, Suma," Uzui says, putting his hand on her shoulder. "You did good."

"Really?" she asks, looking up at him.

"Of course," he smiles, giving her a soft pat.


As I watch Y/N and Suma fight, I'm quite amazed by how quickly Y/N is able to adjust. It doesn't take her long to begin to pick up on Suma's habits. But what I'm even more surprised by is how beautiful Y/N looks. The way she holds her sword and fights with such passion.

Once the two finish sparring, Y/N begs Suma for a second round. Suma, unable to say no, agrees.

I watch closely as the two of them fight. Suma may have had years more experience, but Y/N is definitely learning and improving. I can't help but wonder if, someday, she could become a hashira as well.

"Master Tengen," Hinatsuru's voice rings from behind me. I turn around to see her standing at the doorway, a worried look in her eyes. "What is going on? It's so early!"

Y/N'S P.O.V.

You are right in the middle of your second sparring match with Suma when, suddenly, your body tenses up and you freeze. Your eyes are focused on something in the distance, and it makes Suma stop fighting as well.

"Y/N?" she asks, but you don't answer.

Your blades drop to the ground and your eyes grow wide.

"What's wrong?"

"It's a demon," you mumble, but not loud enough for anyone to hear you. A sinking feeling surrounds you and you find yourself unable to breathe.

"Y/N, stop playing games," Suma grumbles. "Come on, let's finish this!"

She then waves her hand in front of your face, still waiting for you to snap out of your trance. "Y/N! I'm going to keep fighting unless you give me a good reason why we should stop!"

Unable to move your lips, you simply watch as Suma charges at you. Her fist flies in the air and hits you hard across the face. It's not enough to snap you out of your daze, but it does cause you to fall straight back into the frozen grass.


"Y/N!" Suma cries out.

"What the hell, Suma," I gasp, running over and leaning over Y/N. I wave my arms in front of her face, trying to catch her attention. "What's going on?"

Y/N's eyes are wide, but I can't tell what she's staring at. Her expression is blank and emotionless.

"Is she even awake?" Hinatsuru asks as she approaches from behind me.

"I don't think so," I shake my head, putting two of my fingers on her neck to check her pulse.

"I'm sorry! Y/N, I'm so sorry," Suma cries.

"What are we going to do?" Hinatsuru questions.

I turn to look at Suma. "Call Shinobu," I tell her. "I'm taking her to the mansion."

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now