26. Mirtis

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As we arrive at the cave where Y/N and Rengoku had been the day before, the sky is beginning to get light and the air is cold. Y/N shivers and rubs her bare arms as the two of us step inside.

"Relax," I whisper. "The demons are further in."

She nods and the two of us make our way inside, moving silently and staying close to the walls. And then, when we get close enough to a small group of demons sitting in the cave, I put my hand out to stop her from advancing.

"Stay back," I whisper. "And be prepared to fight. Don't make a move until I tell you. Okay?"

She nods again, looking over my shoulder at the group of demons. Silently, we both draw our swords and get ready to strike.

"What's the plan?" she whispers.

"I'm going to charge," I explain. "While they're distracted, that's when you go for the kill."

When I charge ahead, the demons are momentarily taken aback. I move swiftly, my blades a blur as I engage them in battle. As they try to get away, Y/N comes in and kills the rest.

"Well done," I say, smiling.

"Thanks," she answers, wiping her blade off and putting it back in its sheath.

But as the dust settles, a large serpent-like demon emerges, threatening to kill us both. It towers over us, its mouth filled with rows upon rows of sharp teeth. It lunges towards us, its jaw snapping shut just centimeters from Y/N's face. Panic flashes in her eyes, but before the creature can try again, I step in front of her, my blades meeting the demon's head in a swift counterattack.

"Back up, get behind me!" I command to ensure her safety. But instead, she sticks to my left side, her eyes trained on the beast as we face it.

"No way," she says. "I'm fighting this thing, too."

Despite her obvious fear, she seems determined. So together, the two of us take on the large demon. With every swipe of our swords, it moves to avoid our attacks, but the damage starts to build up. After a particularly brutal swing of my blade, the demon's arm goes flying. Blood spurts out from the wound, and the creature roars in pain and fury. It reels back, its mouth open wide, and then charges towards us once more.

As the demon approaches, it raises its remaining arm, claws outstretched, ready to slice through the two of us. Y/N jumps forward, swinging her sword with all her might, cutting off the creature's head in one swift movement.

"I...did it," she mutters. Her arms fall limp at her sides and she nearly collapses.

The cave is finally quiet after we beat the demons, and Y/N looks pretty worn out. I move closer, giving her a nod of approval.


"You did great," Uzui says as you manage a tired smile, cleaning your sword and putting it away.

But then, the atmosphere begins to change. He steps so close to you that you can feel his breath on your skin.

"Your training is coming to an end," he murmurs, his fingers brushing lightly against your cheek.

"I know," you sigh. You've known this day would come eventually. But it's still hard to believe that you've actually passed the hardest part of your training so far.

"The next thing for you is the Final Selection. I want you to get through that, and then come back here and show me that you can handle the responsibilities that come with being a demon slayer. Can you do that?"

"I'll do my best," you answer softly. You can feel his heart pounding.

"I know you will," he nods, his lips so close to yours.

"Master Uzui," you mutter as his forehead presses against yours.

"Yes?" he replies as he takes your hand and puts it on his chest. It's intense, and you can feel the energy between you two.

"I just- I-" you pause, trying to gather your thoughts, but your mind is blank. "I don't know what to say... I want to be ready but I just..."

"Y/N," he breathes, his fingers gently running through your hair.

"Yes?" you reply, hoping that he will tell you to stay.

"Remember what I told you. Always put yourself first. Don't let anything hold you back, including your feelings. You can do this. Don't let anything or anyone hold you back. Understand?"

"Yes," you nod, knowing that it's the most sincere advice you will get from him.

"Good," he smiles, beginning to pull his hand away. But before he can take a step back, you decide to follow his advice. You won't let your feelings hold you back. And so, without hesitation, you lean in and press your lips to his.

Uzui doesn't pull away. Instead, he deepens the kiss, pulling you closer. Your heart pounds rapidly as his lips move against yours, and you wrap your arms around his neck, letting him hold you tight. His lips are so warm and soft, it sends chills down your spine. You wish this moment would never need to end.

"Y/N," he breathes as his hands rest on your hips.

"Hmm?" you hum, pressing your body against his.

"It's time to go home," he says, his voice low.

And so, that was all the two of you had to say. After that, you followed quietly behind him toward the entrance of the cave. It was a silent walk back, too, but you could hear his breathing and sense his body as if it were your own. His heart was still pounding in his chest and he was gripping tightly onto the hilt of his sword.

It's funny how much has changed since you first met Uzui. The first time you saw him, he was intimidating. His large, muscular frame and his long, white hair were quite the sight. And the first thing you said to him was not at all polite. But now, things are so different.

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now