33. Chết

156 3 0

Y/N'S P.O.V.

That morning, you sit in a new room with all the windows blacked out. Opposite of the long table where you sit and attempt to eat breakfast, Doma stares you down with narrowing eyes.

"Are you sure you want me to stay?" you gulp, feeling the most uncomfortable you've been for the past month. "I could go out and get your food. It'd be no problem."

"No," he answers sharply. "You'll stay right here."

"I am very sorry about last night," you mutter, not managing to look him in the eyes.

Obviously, this is the last straw. Doma's chair falls to the ground as he stands and slams his hands down hard on the table. "I can't believe you said yes to him! How dare you say he could have the first taste of your blood!" he begins to shout. "You're mine! I need you here! I won't let him take you away."

"But that didn't even happen yet," you explain. "I'm still here!"

Doma's nails dig into the table. "Yet?" he repeats. "You're only still here because he's making room for you in his own home, first. But you belong to me, Y/N! Not him. The only way Muzan is getting a taste of your blood is if I'm the one doing the biting."

Seems to you as if he's completely lost it. The look in his eyes is unlike anything you've ever seen before, including the one time he had been very close to breaking his rule about keeping you around. Just then, there's a knock on the door which steals Doma's attention. You're not sure if the person who walks in is a human or a demon because the second they step foot inside, Doma stretches out his arm and devours the poor soul. All you see is the blood left over.

After he finishes, he licks his lips and smiles. His eyes seem to return back to normal and once more he sits down at the table. "You will remain inside the mansion from now on. Your trips outside have become too dangerous."

"So now I'm not allowed to leave? What happened to you needing me to bring you food?"

"You don't need to work about that anymore," he shrugs. "You may live here for free."

Before you can think of what else to say, he orders a guard to escort you back to your room. Is he going to kill you? Or keep you as some sort of pet until you die of old age? What will Rengoku do if you don't show up to your next meeting?

The guard suddenly grabs you roughly by the arms and tosses you back into your room, locking the door behind you. "Wait!" you shout as the guard and key walk out of sight. "Shit," you curse, banging on the door. "What the hell? What about our deal?"

But no one comes.

As the minutes tick by, you pace around your room, hoping that a something will happen. And eventually, after what seems like hours, a guard shoves a tray of food through the slot in your door and shuts it behind himself.

"Hello?" you shout. "Hey! What's going on?"

But the guard doesn't answer.

"This isn't funny," you huff. "Let me out."

"Shut the fuck up and eat your food," the demon spits through the crack in the door.

"Fuck off," you hiss. "Let me out or I'll-"

"You'll what? Eat the food or I'll come in and make you eat it."

You grumble and walk over to your desk where you sit and merely stare at the food. You have to do something or you'll never be able to leave this place. You know that if you escape, chances are that Doma will track you down and kill you. Even if he doesn't, the other demons will. But if you stay, you'll eventually suffer the same safe. Maybe Inosuke was right, you will have to kill Doma first.

Just then, you hear the vents clattering above you. When you look up, you see Insouke's strange mask peering down at you through the vent.

"You're honestly terrifying," you sigh as you get over the initial fright.

"We have to go," he whispers.


"Doma's coming. He's going to kill you," he replies, causing your entire body to freeze up.

"Seriously?! But he just said-"

"I know. Doesn't matter. It's getting dark and he'll be here soon," he explains before reaching down his hand. "Let's go," he adds as you reach up to take it.

"Now," he huffs, breathing through his mask. "Follow Lord Insouke to freedom."

"Wait," you say as he starts dragging you through the vents. "Is there enough oxygen up here? Why do you sound like that?"

"No," he answers simply, causing you to let out a sigh before continuing to follow him on your hands and knees. You can't believe you've let him live here all alone for this long.

After a few minutes of turn after turn, the two of you come to a drop-off point where Inosuke can easily climb down from. First, he jumps down and then reaches back up for you. "Hurry, Y/N."

When your feet hit the floor, you look around at the old, dark room. It's certainly not like the others. "What is this room?"

"One of the original rooms from when Doma had first built this location. It's where I found this necklace. It was mom's room."

Your blood runs cold as you hear his words. "What did you say?"

"It was here. That's how I knew she had been here, Y/N."

"Inosuke," you then whisper, placing a hand on his shoulder. "How are we going to get out of here?"

"There was an emergency exit in case of fires. I guess they don't want humans dying on their own," he begins to explain.

"Great, but there are guards everywhere. I mean, this place is swarming with demons! How are we going to get to an emergency exit from here?" you then ask.

"Don't worry, Lord Inosuke has a plan!" he offers.

You groan. "Why do you keep calling yourself that?! You're not royalty any more than I am."

But Insouke ignores your comment as he opens the only window in the room, causing a cold breeze to burst through. Together, you both look out and monitor the demons walking below.

"Now," Inosuke laughs devlishly as he looks at you, "watch as the mighty Lord Inosuke flies!"

"What?!" you shout, but it's too late.

Inosuke jumps out the window and lands on the ground with a flash of green light surrounding him. His mask glows and the face of the boar seems to light on fire. The nearby demons look at him oddly for a moment before charging. But Insouke is relentless in his attacks and he fights off the first wave. You watch as flames burst from the nostrils of the boar and he burns a few of them alive. They all scream and try to fight, but they seem to be no match for him. 

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now