21. මරණය

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Y/N'S P.O.V.

You're sitting on a bench on the opposite side of Uzui's estate, looking out onto the serene winter day. Before you is the lake which reflects back your surroundings. On the opposite side, behind the estate, sits the small forest of snow-covered pine trees and the mountain, its peak covered in snow. The sky is clear, interrupted only by a gentle snowfall that dusts the landscape.

You watch the water move slightly as a breeze blows past. The trees sway gently and a flock of birds take flight from the forest. Everything seems so peaceful and calm. But, your mind is racing. Uzui hasn't trained you since that day. One month ago from this morning. You haven't really left the estate since then, either. Although you have been practicing your skills alone, you can't help but be reminded of the way you reacted when you actually came face-to-face with the demon.

You've had a lot of time now to reflect on what happened. About what you could have done. Not that it matters now. You don't wish to dwell on it longer anyway. It's time to face your fears.

Just then, you see a man's figure walk out on the opposite side of the lake where you sit. A small smile grows on your lips when you see him wave, a huge grin on his lips. His fiery red hair is recognizable anywhere, especially in the winter.


"Hey, Y/N! I got your crow," he shouts across the lake, causing his voice to echo. "Come over!"

You quickly rush to him, overjoyed that he came so fast. You had used Suma's crow to contact him with a cryptic message, asking to meet because there was something you wanted to ask.

When the two of you unite, you wrap your arms around his neck. "Thanks for coming," you whisper as he pulls you closer to him.

"I'm glad you're okay. When I got your message, I was worried about you. And, you're welcome," he tells you, his voice softer than before.

"I'm sorry," you mumble. "But there was something I wanted to ask you and it needs to be in person."

"Well ask away," he grins as you pull back from the hug. "I'm all ears!"

"I want you to take me somewhere we can fight real demons," you tell him quietly, making sure none of the others are around to see or hear you. "I don't care where. I just want to be able to go into a battle without freezing. And, I think you can help me."

"Why didn't you ask Lord Tengen?"

"I did," you answer, trying to hide the annoyance in your voice. "He won't do it. He doesn't think I'm ready yet. But, I know you've heard about what happened. I don't want to get caught off guard like that again."

"Do you think you're ready?" he then asks. "Even if you have help, there's still the possibility that you'll freeze."

"I need to learn," you sigh.

Rengoku shakes his head. "I don't know if this is a good idea, Y/N. You-"

"Please," you beg, placing your hand on his chest which causes him to instantly forget everything the two of you were just talking about and instead blindly answer, 'yes'.

"Uh, really?" you hum, confused that he gave in so easily. "Just like that?"

Rengoku's cheeks burn in a different way than he's used to. "I-uh... Yes? I mean, as long as you're sure about this."

You chuckle as he stammers. "Thank you, Kyo," you whisper, bringing him in for another hug.

"Anything for you, Y/N," he whispers back, resting his chin on the top of your head.

"Are you okay?" you then ask him as you pull back from the embrace.


"You seem off," you explain.

"Don't worry about me, Y/N. Worry about yourself," he chuckles, patting your shoulder. "Go and get yourself ready and then meet me by the entrance to the forest just outside of town. We'll make it a fun little excursion."

"Oh, okay," you nod.

"But, before you go, can I ask one more question?"

"Sure," you shrug.

His face begins to heat up again. "Uh... are you and Lord Tengen...?"

"Oh," you laugh, realizing what he's implying. "No, of course not."

"Are you sure?"

"Why do you ask?" you hum as you look at him through squinted eyes.

"Well, the way you look at him, and how much he seems to care about you," he replies.

"Don't be silly, Kyo," you chuckle as you turn away from him. "Master Uzui has been kind enough to let me into his home but he's got enough to worry about with three wives and all. I'll be ready in an hour. See you then."

Rengoku sighs to himself as he watches you walk back into the estate and disappear from his view. Although he is quite happy that you've called upon him for help, he still can't help but wish it was him you were staying with instead of his fellow hashira.

"Lord Rengoku, why are you here?" Uzui then calls out, causing the younger man to turn and face him.

"Oh!" Rengoku jumps, not sure of what to say. "I just came to see if Y/N was alright. I haven't heard much from her in a while. But she seems fine so I was just about to..."

"Ah, yes, that's understandable," Uzui nods. "She's been a bit off lately. I know she's pissed at me for not taking her to train against actual threats."

"You know," Rengoku starts, a grin growing on his face. "I think she'll be a bit happier the next time you see her. I was just helping her out with something."

Uzui furrows his brows. "What are you talking about? What did you help her with?"

"I'm sure you'll find out," he hums, a small part of him hoping he can piss off Uzui enough to take matters into his own hands.

"Wait, Kyojuro, stop," Uzui shakes his head, his tone becoming stern.

"It was nice seeing you again, Lord Tengen," Rengoku smiles before turning on his heel and rushing off, leaving the sound hashira alone to ponder the cryptic words he just heard.

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now