29. Dauði

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The next afternoon when you wake up, you put on the new clothes that Uzui had given you, but before you leave your room, you notice a small box sitting on your dresser. You walk over and carefully unwrap the contents inside, revealing a silver chain with a single pendant attached to it. You're not sure what this means, but you put it on anyway.

You then walk downstairs to greet the others and apologize to them for sleeping in so late, but not a single one of them is home. You search each of the rooms before waiting hours on end for any of them to return. Then, once the sun begins to descend beneath the horizon, you realize it's time to go.

The walk to town is rather quiet, except for the occasional person who passes by. The wind is gentle, and the sky is clear. It's a beautiful night, but your nerves are making you anxious. When you finally reach where you're meant to go, you spot Rengoku. Your eyes narrow, though, as you quickly notice that something is off. He seems to be holding a man, or maybe a demon, that is bound by rope.

"Kyojuro-" you begin, but he quickly cuts you off.

"Hey, Y/N, glad to see you got here safely. Are you alright?" he hums just loud enough for your words to get drowned out.

"I'm fine," you nod, biting down on the inside of your cheek as thoughts from last night begin to flood through your mind.

"What did your master tell you about this?" he then asks, tightening his grip on his bound prisoner.

"He said," you reply softly as you look between him and the person in his grasp who is definitely a person, "that he doesn't approve of this plan."

Rengoku's eyes widen and a grin appears on his face. "Oh? So it finally happened, huh? He admitted his love for his precious student."

"No, of course not," you scoff, lying straight through your teeth. "It's not like that."

"Are you sure?" he smirks.

"Absolutely," you nod.

"Good," he replies, his tone shifting from teasing to serious. He then shoves the random captor in your arms and you realize that he is, in fact, a man. "Let's go. It's time for us to meet him."

The two of you make your way into the town and, once you are far enough in, Rengoku turns and looks at you. "This is only going to work if you listen to what I say and follow my instructions perfectly. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, I got it," you nod.

"Alright, let's get started then," he says, his hand coming to rest on the hilt of his sword. "I presume you already know that you will be re-entering the cult. Our plan to keep you alive for now is that you will provide Doma with a fresh supply of food, uh, I mean supporters," he changes his phrasing as he looks over at the bound man. "For that reason, Doma will keep you alive. Then, while you are there, you will have time to find your brother."

"Wait, hold on," you interrupt, already confused. "Where is this fresh supply coming from? This guy isn't a demon."

Rengoku laughs at your comment. "No, of course not. He's a volunteer! Well, really a jackass who was going around raping women. He has been in the system for a long time." His smile turns darker before he continues. "Doma will surely enjoy his free breakfast."

The man's eyes widen as he begins to struggle in your grasp. "Please," he calls out to you as he loosens the rope around his mouth from all the moving. "You can't let them kill me! I'll do anything! I will never touch another woman again!"

"Quiet," Rengoku demands as he places his blade against the man's neck.

"Please, you have to believe me," he cries. "I have a family."

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now