17. Muerte

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Makio follows me out of the house and starts yelling at me about how I just acted inside. I try to ignore her for the time being as I open the bottle of sake in my hand and down a gulp.

"Makio," I say calmly, finally deciding to respond.

"What?" she snaps, crossing her arms in front of her.

"You're angry."

"Damn right, I am," she says. "Do you know what the fuck is going on right now? How can you be so calm about this?!"

"I don't think we're seeing things from the same perspective," I say before taking another sip. "But Y/N is my student and she needs practice so I won't deny her that."

"Ugh, you don't know anything!" she yells.

"Don't yell," I scold her. "They'll hear you inside."

"Oh, now you're worried about Y/N? Cause she's right, you don't seem to care when it comes to her. Just look at the way she's acting! Master Rengoku likes her. When Suma came to get me, he was about to kiss her! Suma and I both saw them holding hands and staring into each other's eyes. It was infuriating," she groans.

"So what?" I say, taking another sip. "I can't blame him. Y/N is an attractive woman."

"Are you fucking serious, Tengen?! Don't-"

"Master Rengoku is a good person and Y/N will be fine. If that's who she is interested in, then that's her decision. It doesn't concern me."

Makio looks at me like I'm batshit crazy, but I ignore her by tilting the bottle upside down again. "Didn't you hear me?" she continues. "I said he was about to kiss her! Are you just going to let that happen? She's your-"

"Student," I interrupt her. "She's my student, not my wife," I shake my head. "She may do as she pleases."

"Oh, really, Tengen?" she scoffs, getting closre and putcloserer hand on my chest. "So you wouldn't mind if he were to kiss her then?" She looks up at me, her lips so close to mine. I can feel my heart begin to beat faster. But when I lean down to kiss her, she pulls back.

"That's how close Y/N was to Rengoku," she hums as she steps backward. I can feel a burning sensation inside my body.

"You're right," I admit.

"Huh?" she says.

"You're right," I say, grabbing her hand and pulling her into my embrace. "Y/N is mine."

And then, I feel a sharp pain in my gut. Maki's knee has collided with me. "Ah, shit!" I curse.

"Not until you tell her how you feel, dumbass," she rolls her eyes. "We all know you like her. You can't hide it anymore. Not with the way you act."

"Yeah, yeah. Look, I have to go."

"Go? Go where?" she asks, but I'm already on the move.

"Be back later," I wave as I take my leave.

As I walk away from Makio, her words linger in the air, and the weight of them settles in my chest. The night is cool, but I hardly notice as I navigate the quiet streets, lost in my own thoughts.

My talk with Makio has left me with conflicting emotions. Y/N, my student, has become entangled in a web of emotions and connections beyond the scope of our training. Then, thoughts about Rengoku's interest in her stir something within me, a possessiveness I hadn't acknowledged until now.

As I walk, the bottle of sake hangs loosely from my fingers, its contents dwindling with each swig. I'm not one to be caught off guard, but Makio's words have cracked the facade, revealing thoughts I hadn't intended to expose.

The scene with Y/N and Rengoku plays out in my mind although I hadn't even been there to see it. But the way Suma came running home to grab Makio and ask her to follow right away... It had been enough for me to know.

I'm not jealous.

No, that's not it.

I'm simply protecting what is mine.

Y/N has been under my protection since the day I took her in.

"Tengen?" a voice calls out from across the courtyard I've found myself in. I look around with my eyebrows scrunched and my eyes searching for the source of the voice.


"Hey," he waves as he approaches.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Just enjoying the peace," he replies. "How about you?"

I sigh as I sit down beside the young boy. "I just needed a break. How's things with dad?"

"Dad is the same as always. But, Kyojuro's been happier than usual lately," he smiles.

"Oh? That's great news," I smile back. "What's got him so happy?"

"Well, it's Y/N," Senjuro states matter-of-factly. "I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I'm rooting for the two of them to get together. I think he really likes her, and she really likes him."

"I see," I mumble, taking a swig of sake.

"What about you, Lord Uzui?"


"Yes," he nods. "What do you think of her? Do you think she's a good fit for my brother?"

I scoff, though I don't mean to in front of the kid. "I think Y/N needs to focus more on her training than she does on her relationship status," I explain.

"Oh," he hums. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"You should get back home," I then tell him.

"Okay," he nods.

Just then, footsteps approach us and we both look up to see Rengoku walking towards us.

"Senjuro? What are you doing out here so late?" he asks his younger brother.

"Oh, Lord Uzui and I were just talking. He was keeping me company. I'm sorry, I think I let time slip away on me," Senjuro apologizes.

"No worries. I'll walk you home," he smiles at his younger brother. "You alright there, Uzui?"

"Never been better," I answer, tilting the bottle to take a drink.

"Uh, okay. I'll see you later then," he tells me as Senjuro stands up and walks over to him.

"Yep," I nod. "Just remember, don't let anyone distract you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he then asks.

"You'll find out soon enough."

"Why not just tell me now? I'd like to know what you're referring to," he says, his eyebrows scrunched.

"Don't worry 'bout it," I chuckle as I stand up and wave goodbye to them. "You'll figure it out."

As I leave the two brothers, I feel a sense of calm wash over me. Even though my mind is racing, my body is still, and the warmth of the sake in my veins brings with it a sense of peace for the time being. 

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now