9. Død

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Y/N'S P.O.V.

When you come to, you find yourself in a strange room. As you sit up, you notice a lot of plants and only one other person in the room. A man with spiky white hair sits on the opposite side of the room.

"You're awake," the man says, turning his attention away from his desk to glare across the room at you, causing the hairs on your arms to stand on edge.

"Uh, where am I?"

"You're at the butterfly estate," he explains, before standing up and making his way over to your bed. "You seem to have hit your head rather hard. What stupid thing did you do?"

"Oh, uh, Suma punched me in the face," you sigh, thinking back to it. "Who are you? Where is everyone else?"

"Sanemi Shinazugawa. Wind hashira," he answers. "You were passed out for a pretty long time. Was it really Suma's punch that did that?"

"Yeah," you nod. "I guess..."

"I would have guessed you'd have a stronger pain tolerance than that," he scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"What does that mean?" you snap.

"It means you're not as strong as I thought," Sanemi shrugs, a smug grin on his face.

"Well, if I wasn't laying in this bed, I'd wipe that stupid look off your face," you threaten, glaring at him.

"Whatever, Y/N, just don't pass out again," he sighs, walking out of the room, only to be replaced moments later by Uzui who bursts in the door.

"Are you okay?" he asks, rushing to your bedside.

"I'm fine," you nod.

"Thank goodness," he says, reaching his hand up to touch the bandages wrapped around your forehead.

You're slightly stunned by his actions. His hand rests gently on the side of your face, his thumb caressing your cheek.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," Uzui apologizes. "I didn't think she hit you that hard. Maybe you're just not read-"

"I'm fine," you insist, cutting him off. Did she really hit you that hard or were you already spiraling before that?

A moment later, Suma joins the two of you in the room and Uzui backs away from you.

"Y/N," she sobs, throwing herself at your bedside.

"You better watch it, Suma," Uzui warns her. "Don't make the same mistake twice."

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you that hard!" she cries.

"Suma, I'm fine," you assure her, sitting up a bit more.

"Are you sure?"

"I promise. It was probably my fault, anyway. I wasn't paying attention. I think I zoned out for a bit," you try to explain.

"Yeah, you looked pretty dead," Suma then remarks.

"Well, I'm alive now," you laugh, rubbing the back of your neck. "And it was a good fight. Thanks for sparring with me."

"You both looked like you were having a good time up 'til that point," Uzui adds.

"I could feel it," you smile up at him. "It was like the air around me was guiding the blades in my hands."

Uzui smiles down at you, his eyes shining with pride. "That's good, Y/N," he nods. "I knew you'd be a fast learner. Even if you are an idiot."

"Hey!" you whine.

"You did good today," Uzui continues. "It was the first time you've connected with the sounds of your surroundings. That's why you froze up."

"Is it?" you hum, trying to think back to the way you felt earlier. You could sense something watching you in the shadows. Is it because you were so in tune with your surroundings?

"You were probably just nervous," Suma tells you. "Everyone gets that way. Especially with Master Tengen watching!"

"Well I'm not nervous now," you shake your head. "Can we go back and train some more?"

Uzui laughs, though you can see a bit of a surprised expression on his face. "You're too eager. And you've got to rest. We can't risk you getting hurt again," he decides.

"But I'm not even tired!"

"Don't care."

"Where'd you put my swords?" you question, looking at him.

"In my room," he answers, not taking his eyes off of you. "You need a break."

"And they're safe?"

"Yes," Uzui nods, and you can tell he's getting impatient.

"Hey, let's go out tonight, Y/N! We haven't had any fun since you've gotten here. We deserve a night out!" Suma suggests, her eyes sparkling.

"Oh yeah!" Uzui beams. "Let's have a night out. Get some drinks and have a good time. How's that sound, Y/N?"

"Like you want us drunk," you shake your head, a sinking feeling returning to your stomach.

"Hmph. Well... This is part of your training so you have to have fun!" he grins.

"How do you figure that?" you groan, leaning back into the bed a bit more.

"Because you need to learn to give yourself a break once in a while," Uzui answers. "Otherwise, you'll get stressed and anxious. And if that happens, you're going to start making stupid mistakes."

"He's right," Suma agrees, and the two of them nod.

They're right, you can only admit to yourself. Perhaps that's why your body froze. All you can think about is demons and fighting. But that's all you can think about! If you're not preparing for a battle, then what is there to do?

"Fine," you sigh. "We'll go out tonight."

"That's the spirit!" Uzui cheers, a grin spreading across his face.

You merely roll your eyes and watch as the two of them leave the room. You let out a long sigh and stare at the ceiling.

For some reason, you can't help but think back to when Uzui's hand was pressed against your face. He was gentle and kind. Something you're not otherwise used to. And the way he looked at you was different than any way he had talked to you before. Almost like he cared.

You close your eyes and try to sleep for a bit, but every time you do, all you can think about is him.

"Ugh!" you groan, tossing and turning, unable to get the image of his face out of your mind. "Can't I just relax?"

Suddenly, a voice speaks up from across the room, making you jump.

"Y/N, I don't mean to intrude, but if something is bothering you, I'd be happy to help."

You quickly sit up and see the insect hashira smiling kindly at you.

"Oh, Shinobu! When did you get back?"

"Just a few minutes ago. I wanted to check on you. You were unconscious for a long time. How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright," you answer, still a bit stunned. "Did you say you'd be happy to help me?"

"Of course," she nods. "It's my job to make sure my patients are well taken care of. So, tell me, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, really. It's just, uh, well," you stutter, not sure whether to share or not.

"You can tell me," Shinobu assures you. "It's okay. I won't tell anyone."

"Alright," you sigh, looking down at your hands. "Well, I don't really know how to explain this. But I was thinking about, um, well, it's-"

"Is it about a guy?" she gasps. "Ooo, I just knew the two of you had something going on! He was so worried when he rushed in to see you before. Rengoku's a good man. And he really seems to care about you."

"Rengoku?" you whisper, ignoring the heat that rushes to your face at the thought of someone else being concerned for your well-being. "What are you talking about?"

"Yeah, he came in all flustered and worried. He wanted to stay by your side and make sure you were okay, but Uzui insisted you were to not be disturbed. So he waited outside... until he got called away."

"That was really nice of him," you whisper, looking down at your hands in your lap. You'll have to make sure you thank him when you get the chance.

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now