30. Θάνατος

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"Come on," the guard behind you grumbles, pushing you in your back as he shuffles you off to a room. You can hear the screams of the criminal you brought with you echoing through the temple. You can't help but shiver at the thought of him meeting his fate.

When you're pushed inside the room, your eyes immediately find the bed. It's the same room where your sister had been killed. Obviously, this was no accident. Doma must've said something to his guards when you weren't paying attention. You'll have to keep your guard up even more now.

As the door shuts behind you, you take in the terrifyingly familiar room. The walls of stone are no longer covered in blood. The bed is inviting with silk sheets. And now, unlike before, there is a desk and a chair. If you didn't know better, you'd think it was quite nice.

"Someone will call to take your food order at noon. You are free to walk around until then," he tells you, but you don't turn around to acknowledge him. You simply stand there and listen.

After he walks off, you sigh and lay down on the bed. You shut your eyes and try to breathe with your surroundings just like Uzui had taught you. But a loud crashing noise causes your eyes to snap open and you quickly sit up, searching the room.

"Hello, Y/N."

It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the dark, but once they do, you notice a man with a strange mask inside your room. You're about to scream, but before you can, they cover your mouth with their hand. Panic begins to take over but as they lift their mask, your eyes widen.

"Inosuke!" you sob, tears pricking your eyes as you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him close.

"You're okay," he breathes, pulling back enough to look at your face.

"Are you alright?

"Yes, but what are you doing back here?" he narrows his eyes as his grip on your shoulders tightens.

"It's a long story," you answer, your voice softening.

"Y/N, I need you to leave. I'm going to kill that bitch of a demon who killed our mother and our sister," he hisses, his teeth gritted together.

"You can't," you shake your head, placing your hands on his cheeks. "Inosuke, he's too powerful. You are the one who has to leave."

You then begin to tell him about the demon slayers and how you are working with them to take down the cult.

"Y/N, seriously? Don't need to hear that weak talk from you. You shouldn't even be here. And trust me, I got this. Step aside and let the real pro handle it," he snarls.

"Inosuke," you warn, taking his hand and placing it over your pendant.

"What is this?" he asks, feeling the cold metal under his palm.

"It's a charm one of the demon slayers gave me," you reply. "I trust you with all my heart, but if you rush into this and just kill Doma, you'll have a whole fleet of demons who will come after you. You need to be patient. And you also need to protect yourself."

"You think I need protecting?" he laughs. "I'll take care of this, sis. Trust me."

"And what about me? You think they'll leave me alone while you're busy with Doma?" you counter. "Please, Inosuke. We have to be patient and careful."

He pauses, thinking over what you're saying before sitting down beside you and letting out a sigh. "I'm sick of being patient and careful."

It's then that you notice the familiar green necklace tied around his neck. Gently, you reach out for it. But the moment your fingers graze the gem, its burning hot surface makes you gasp. It's Insokue, however, that slaps your hand away. After that, you both sit in silence for some time, neither of you knowing what to say.

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now