10. Dood

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"Hey," Hinatsuru smiles at you as she enters the room. You look over at her from your desk where you were sitting to fix your hair and notice the armful of clothes she's carrying.

"What's all that?" you ask.

"Well, we just figured that since all you ever wear is your uniform..." she begins.

"That you would like some more clothes," Suma chimes in. "They're ours, but it's all stuff we don't really wear. So we thought we could give them to you!"

"I'm sure we'll all fit into each other's clothes," Hinatsuru says, placing the pile of fabrics onto your bed. "Besides, we can always get new ones if they don't. But try them on and let us know."

"We should get going in about thirty minutes. Think you'll be ready by then?" Suma grins at you.

"That's so nice of you guys. Thank you," you smile. "I'll try them on now and let you know. I can be ready by then."

As Hinatsuru leaves the room, Suma takes a step closer. "I wanted to give you this, too," she says, holding a small, black mascara bottle.

"Oh, is this for me? I, uh..." you begin to stutter. You haven't worn makeup since before your mother died. You've been living in orphanages and on the run ever since then so there hasn't really been an opportunity.

"Yeah, I know, it's not the best brand," Suma giggles, shaking the bottle in her hands. "And I'm not really good at applying it myself, but I can try if you want."

"No, it's okay," you nod, and Suma smiles. "It just made me think of my mom..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No, it's okay," you tell her. "You can keep going."

The two of you are quiet for a minute as Suma stares at you, studying your face. You shift nervously, waiting for her to speak.

"Your eyes are so pretty," she says, her voice soft. "It would be a shame to hide them behind all this stuff."

"Oh, should we not use it then?" you ask as you clear your throat.

"No, I mean, we can if you want," she shrugs. "I'm just saying because they're such a pretty color."

"Thanks, Suma," you reply, a bit embarrassed. The only person who has ever stared at your face like this was your little sister when she was trying to get something she couldn't have.

"While you think about it," Suma begins. "Let's try the dresses out first."

You pick up one of the dresses- a white and red floral one- and slip it on. Once it's on, you walk over to your mirror and stare at yourself.

"Do you like it?" Suma asks, a hopeful look in her eyes.

"I do," you nod. "My mom wore dresses like this..."

Suma's eyes go wide. "I-I really don't mean to keep making you think about her," she says, her cheeks growing pink. "It's just that you look so pretty. And that dress shows it off!"

"Really?" you hum, feeling a bit more confident.

"Yeah," she nods as she watches you take another good look at yourself in the mirror. "Hey, Y/N, you don't have to answer this. But what happened to your mother?"

"She was taken by a demon," you answer, turning around to face her. "I didn't realize until recently but I've got reason to believe it was Doma who killed her."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Suma says.

"It's okay. I just miss her a lot," you shrug, a bittersweet smile on your lips.

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now