35. Tod

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Her body lays lifeless on the ground, covered in her own blood. I failed. I spent all this time training her, thinking she was strong enough, but in the end, it wasn't enough. I should have stopped her. I should have done something.

"Uzui!" someone calls out to me.

But I can't move. I lift her head into my lap, cradle her in my arms, and kiss her forehead as dark thoughts swirl around my head.

I should have been there for her.

Tears form in my eyes that I can't control. They roll down my cheeks. Even the scream across the room doesn't phase me as I hold her limp body.

"Y/N," I whisper. "Please wake up."

But she doesn't.

Little do I know, Doma is pinned to the ground, his neck cut wide open, but I don't even notice. All I can do is stare down at her.

It's not until Rengoku walks over and places a hand on my shoulder that I realize where I am. I had forgotten all about the fight we were in. She is dead. Nothing else matters. Why should it?

"Lord Uzui, we're too late. She's-" he begins until I shove him away from me.

"You know, if you didn't make that stupidly flashy appearance then she wouldn't have been bitten!" I shout at him.

"And how was I supposed to know that?" he scoffs.

My blood boils at his words. Ever since he met Y/N he's been necklace around her. Doesn't he understand that she's my apprentice and he shouldn't even be paying attention to her? It's not like she would return the feelings. She doesn't want any of that. And I'd rather keep her to myself than watch her get her heart broken by that brat.

"There is a way. There's always a fucking way," I yell, pulling out my sword and pinning Rengouke up against the nearest wall. My eyes narrow as I press my blade against his throat. "Why did you have to interrupt our fight? Why didn't you let me kill him first?!"

His eyes widen as he shakes his head profusely. "I'm sorry. I-I didn't..."

"What is this worth, anyway," I scoff, letting go and returning my gaze back to her. "If I can't save her, I'm better off dead."

"Lord Tengen!" a soft voice then calls out. My eyes lift to see Suma cautiously approaching us. "Do you really mean that?"

My whole body freezes. It's not just Suma. All three of my wives are standing in the doorway with their swords in their hands. Suma's eyes are filled with tears as she steps forward. "Please, don't say things like that!"

All I can manage to do is shake my head. "You weren't meant to hear that."

"And you didn't have to say it, but it's how you feel..." she replies softly.

As I step back, I unintentionally give them a clearer view of Y/N's cold body on the ground. Suma gasps when she sees her and rushes over. Her hands immediately reach out, but she stops just before her fingertips brush against her pale cheek.

"She's dead, Suma," Makio adds from behind me as she and Hinatsuru approach us.

Hinatsuru nods in agreement as she kneels down and hugs Suma from the side.

"This is a very bad situation," another voice calls out. Simultaneously, Rengoku and I turn our heads to see Master Ubuyashiki stepping his way through the rubble.

"Huh?!" Rengoku gasps, whipping his head around to look for something. "Where's his body? I don't understand, I thought I killed him!"

Master Ubuyashiki shakes his head. "We have to get Y/N back immediately."

Rengoku nods, but all I can do is quietly peer down at Y/N again. Suma wraps her arms around me, but I don't even feel her. I don't feel a thing. Not even as my feet carry me out of the destroyed temple and back home.



The day of the funeral carries a surreal beauty. The sun shines warmly and the air carries a sweet scent, almost mocking the heavy hearts present. The girls stand beside me, their faces solemn, though I can tell they are hurting the worst. They had become so attached to Y/N in such a short amount of time. Hinatsuru and Makio let their tears flow, while Suma only sniffles. She's cried so much in the past week she most likely has nothing left to shed.

But I don't cry. My body can't seem to display any emotion. Instead, my gaze remains fixed, staring blankly ahead.

The ceremony is simple, a quiet farewell to our dear Y/N. We lay her to rest beside her sister in a peaceful spot off the estate, a place I'm sure she'd prefer. The earth receives her and many tears fall to the ground.

When it is my turn to say one last goodbye, I fix the piece of jewelry around her neck that I had given to her before reaching into my pocket. I look down and toy with the flashy ring in my hand. I'm not sure if it was really her style, I had only really considered what I liked. Maybe she would have liked a ring with more of a simple design.

A single tear manages to slip from my eye as I lean down and press a gentle kiss to her forehead. My heart aches as I slide the ring onto her finger.

"I'm sorry I failed you," I whisper. "I should have never let this happen."

I close my eyes and try to block out the background noise of the others waiting behind me. The next time I open them, her face is gone. Her body is gone, too.

The dirt settles, covering your form, and all that remains is the emptiness you left. It's a void I'll need to navigate, haunted by the memories of your absence, and the future you'll never get to see.


Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry! It's only a story.

That's what I kept saying to myself while writing this chapter.

I hope you all enjoyed <3

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now