14. Kuolema

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Y/N'S P.O.V.

You are sitting by the lit fireplace in Uzui's estate quietly, staring into the flames as your thoughts run wild. You have no idea what is going to come of you after Uzui gets back tonight. You're sure he's pissed off because you withheld information from him. Not to mention that you openly defied him. Why did you have to confess all of that to him? I'm such an idiot, you think to yourself.

A few moments later, Suma enters the room and sits next to you. She is silent as well, but after a few minutes, she decides to speak softly. "Are you okay, Y/N?" she asks.

"Not really," you shake your head.

Just as she places her hand gently on your shoulder, the front door opens and Uzui enters the room, allowing a cold burst of air to steal both of your attention.

"Y/N," he calls to you, snapping you out of your daze. "Stop sulking and get up."

Immediately, you stand to your feet and face him. "Yes, Master Uzui."

"Follow me," he says, motioning towards the door.

"Where are we going?" you ask, glancing at Suma.

"We are going to talk."

The second he gets you outside and shuts the door behind him, he unsheathes his swords. Your blood runs cold. Is he about to kill you right outside his home?


"Y/N, it's time to start your training," he interrupts you, but it's shock that keeps you silent.

"W-What? But what about everything that you've said for the past five months..." you trail off, confusion setting in.

"You're going to learn the way of the blade, and once I deem you worthy, you will accompany me on a mission. If you can prove your worth, then I may feel more inclined to let you do things you want to do," he states.


"Enough talking," he commands, pointing his blade in your direction. "Let's get started."

"Right now?" you gasp, taking a step backwards. "But I don't have my swords. You do."

Uzui ignores you and instead begins to explain the pros and cons of dual swordsmanship. "There's an increased risk of injury to the user, especially with two short swords. But with a shorter reach, there's an advantage in the close combat. And a disadvantage when fighting from a distance."

You're not listening. You're too busy thinking about how Uzui seems to have changed his mind about something, though you're not exactly sure what it is at its root.

Uzui continues to explain how each sword has its own rhythm and flow. At this point, you just wish he'd shut up and let you get your swords already.

Finally, he pulls out your swords hidden behind him and explains that he is going to teach you three defensive techniques. "It is your responsibility to retain the information I teach you and practice. You can practice with Suma, Makio, or Hinatsuru whenever you want. Are you ready to begin?"

"I guess so," you gulp, trying to steady your voice.

"Then let's start. Now, pay attention, Y/N. I don't have time for your distractions."

With that, Uzui lifts his swords. "The first is called Resonance Guard. You must channel your breath into creating a protective barrier of sound waves," he says. "Now strike!"

When you do, Uzui creates a barrier that deflects your attack. "Adjust the intensity of the sound waves to match whatever threat is coming," he explains. "Then use the rebounding force to move away."

He demonstrates again, and you watch as he effortlessly moves back after blocking your attack.

"Next, you will learn Echoing Parry," he tells you. "This one is for defense. Focus yourself on precise timing and counterattack. When you're faced with an opponent's attack, use one of your blades to parry and the other to create a controlled echo. Strike!"

As you lunge toward him, he moves his body into a stance and blocks your blade with his left sword while his right sword makes a small, controlled movement. The force of the attack causes your sword to bounce back and hit you.

"Shit," you hiss, rubbing the spot where the blunt edge struck you.

"Pay attention, Y/N. If you're distracted, you won't succeed," he tells you. "This move is meant to disrupt a demon's concentration. You will use the reverberating sound waves to confuse and disorient your enemy. Then, you will use the rebound force to deliver a counter-strike. Let's try again."

This time, Uzui attacks, and again you miss the timing, resulting in your own sword striking you.

"Can we move on?" you then ask him. "You said there were three techniques you wanted to show me."

"Alright," he nods. "The last is called dual harmonic shield, a defensive technique that requires you to create a protective shield of harmonized sound waves."

After he explains it, you position your blades in a defensive stance. This time, when Uzui attacks, he does so at a slower pace, giving you plenty of time to prepare. As soon as his blade makes contact with yours, a loud sound fills the air.

"Much better," Uzui nods, a small smile gracing his lips. "You have potential, Y/N. With some work, you may have me eating my own words about becoming a demon slayer."

"Thank you, Master Uzui," you say, smiling at him.

"Let's continue."

For the next hour, Uzui has you practicing every single possible combination of offensive and defensive sounds until finally exhaustion sets over. After awhile, it becomes obvious that you've exhausted yourself and so Uzui decides that you're finished for the night.

"Thank you for the lessons, Master Uzui," you tell him as you walk back inside. "I do hope I will have you regretting what you've been saying for the past months about me," you add with a slight grin.

"Ah, you're learning quickly," Uzui compliments. "I've never known anyone to be able to catch on to something as fast as you have."


"Yes. Most students would need years before they'd be able to pick up any of those techniques," he admits. "Maybe that's why I've been so hesitant to teach them to you."

"So what changed?" you ask him.

"Your brother is in danger. If it's as serious as you say, then I can't let anything happen to him," he sighs. "But I've also grown to realize that you will be an important asset to that mission."

"So now you'll let me go save my brother?"

"I'm still undecided," he says, and when he notices the disappointment flash in your eyes, he quickly adds, "but I will allow you to help us track him down."

"Thank you," you say, trying not to let your emotions get the better of you. 

"Now go and get some sleep."

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now