24. სიკვდილი

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I sigh to myself as I walk through the front door a bit earlier than I thought I would be in the morning. I can already see the look on Y/N's face as she tries to ignore me and act as though I'm not there. But when I walk inside, she's not even home. Of course she's not.

"Lord Tengen!" Suma smiles as she watches me enter our home. "What're you doing home early? I thought you said you had an important meeting today with Master Ubuyashiki?"

I nod at her as I shut the door behind me. "I was, but I'm back now to look for Y/N. Figured I'd let her get a few strikes in so she'll get off my ass for a little while," I smirk at the thought. She always does love trying to get a hit in on me when I'm least expecting it.

"Oh," Suma then says. "Well, she's not here."

"Do you know where she is?"

"Yeah," Suma nods. "Well, uh, I thought I did. Last night she said she was going out with Lord Rengoku but she hasn't come back since..." she then trails off.

"Since what?" I reply, narrowing my eyes at her.

"She hasn't come back since last night," Suma sighs, "but it's okay! I doubt they went far or that they're doing anything too dangerous."

I shake my head at her response, not buying any of it. "Tell me the truth, Suma. Where did she go?"

Suma sighs. "They went to go train."

I can feel my fists clench tightly at my sides. "What do you mean 'train'? I specifically told her that she wasn't ready yet. Why did you let her go?"

"She was ready," Makio calls from the kitchen. "You just don't want to admit that."

"This has nothing to do with you, Makio. Y/N could be hurt and it'll be on you," I say harshly. "All of you for letting her believe that she is ready."

"Please, Lord Tengen, don't get so worked up," Suma tries to calm me down as she grips onto my hand gently.

"Technically," Hinatsuru hums, joining in the conversation which makes me feel as though I've already lost. "You did say that if it's what Y/N needs to survive, it'd be alright. You just said you'd want to be with her every step of the way. Is that why you're upset?"

Makio smirks and I try to avoid looking over at her side of the room. "So you all knew Rengoku was going to pull this, huh?"

"Well, yeah," Makio shrugs. "That and I saw her walking off last night."

"I'm going to go get her," I sigh. I can't believe it's come to this. If Rengoku is going to take my apprentice, the least he could do is bring her back to bed on time.

"Where?" Hinatsuru rolls her eyes. "Do you know where she is?"

"Of course I do," I hum as I reach into my uniform. The three of them look at me curiously as I pull something out of my pocket.

"What is that?" Makio hums, closing in on me.

"It's a tracker," I shrug. "I put them on both of her swords."

Hinatsuru deadpans. "That's so creepy."

"Seriously," Suma mutters in agreement.

Ignoring them, I explain that I am going to go find Y/N and make sure she's okay. I grab my swords and turn to leave the house. Once I'm gone, Makio sighs and shakes her head.

"When is he going to admit his feelings for her?" she huffs.

"He'll figure it out," Hinatsuru nods. "Maybe he should be a bit more worried about how Y/N feels."

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now