4. মৃত্যু

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The following morning Suma knocks on your door. She tells you to get dressed and to come down for breakfast. You do as you're told, putting on one of the outfits in your new dresser and heading downstairs.

As you make your way into the dining room, you notice the table is filled with plates upon plates of food. Suma, Uzui, and two other women look your way as you enter the room.

"Morning, Y/N!" Suma beams. "I made breakfast by myself this morning! I hope you enjoy it. I know a good breakfast always cheers me up."

"Thank you, Suma," you nod as you take a seat. You begin to eat quietly while the four of them discuss various topics.

"Are you a hashira, too?" you ask the woman in purple beside you.

She giggles and shakes her head. "No, Lord Uzui is the only hashira here."

"And what a great hashira he is," the woman in the red dress adds the second Uzui walks into the kitchen to refill the tea.

You smile at the sight. These two women love him, too, it seems. Well, they must, because there's no way they can be serious. Sure, he's handsome, but it's not like half of those stories he told you last night were actually true.

"I'm sorry, I didn't ask your names," you say apologetically to the both of them.

"My name is Hinatsuru," the woman in purple answers, introducing herself with a gentle smile.

"And I'm Makio," the other woman in red greets you.

"It's nice to meet you," you nod, continuing to eat your food.

After breakfast, Uzui requests for Suma to bring you to something called a butterfly mansion, to which she happily agrees.

"What is a butterfly mansion?" you question as the two of you leave.

"It's a place where they treat injured demon slayers and teach the new recruits," she explains.

"Train new recruits? Really? Do you think-"

"Don't get your hopes up," she shakes her head. "After you went to bed I'm pretty sure Uzui told the whole world that you're not allowed to train."

"I don't understand how that's fair," you pout, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Yeah, it really isn't," Suma agrees, patting you on the back. "But maybe he'll change his mind eventually."

You groan as the two of you walk into the butterfly mansion. There, you get treated for your wounds and are given a uniform. You try it on and find that it fits perfectly.

"You're so cute," one of the nurses remarks, clapping her hands together. "It's a shame Lord Uzui won't allow you to become a demon slayer."

"Wait, do people already know that?" you ask, feeling embarrassed.

"Of course they do. The news spread quickly," she shrugs. "Word travels fast around here. You can't tell me you didn't expect that."

Suma, who's stayed with you the whole time, sighs. "I told you, Y/N. No matter what anyone says, he will not let you join until he changes his own mind."

"Well, maybe I don't need him then. I can just train myself," you state firmly, determined to make it happen.

Suma giggles, not thinking you're being serious. "That's so funny," she hums. You're not sure why, but you decide to laugh along with her.

That afternoon, Suma brings you to the mansion's dining room where you sit and meet back up with Hinatsuru and Makio.

"Woah, you two look beat," Suma remarks as they sit opposite from you at a table.

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now