2. الموت

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You've never felt guilt more than now as you watch your sister get devoured by Doma. You're completely paralyzed by fear. You don't know what's wrong with you. You've never felt so frozen like that before. You've always been the one to stand up for the three of you. But now, you're just standing by as you watch your little sister get eaten alive.

Once he finishes, he looks over at you with blood dripping down his chin, a smirk growing across his face. Your heart races. You're next.

Before Doma can take a step, you suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder. You look up and, to your amazement, find your brother looking down at you. He grips hard onto the outfit you were given earlier that day and drags you up into the vent where he had been hiding.

"Quick, let's get you out of here," he says, turning around to lead you through.

You can't bring yourself to follow him, though. "What about you?"

"Come on!" he urges.

"Inosuke," you whisper, "what's going on?!"

Inosuke sighs and shows you a green emerald necklace that you would recognize anywhere. "Mom's necklace," you gasp.

"I'm going to find her and make him pay for whatever is going on here," he tells you.

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Shhh!" Inosuke puts his finger to his lips and looks down the vent's pathway. He then turns back to you, "That demon must be the reason Mom and Dad are dead! I'm not leaving until I avenge them."

"What are you saying? You're a human, there's no way-"

"I'm not leaving without killing him, Y/N," Inosuke interrupts.

You hate it, but you know there's no way to stop him. So, the two of you crawl through the vents until you finally make it outside. It's dark, and you don't recognize any of your surroundings.

"Are you sure you won't come with me?" you ask him one last time.

"Go," Inosuke replies, pointing his thumb over his shoulder. "Take care of yourself, okay? Don't end up like her."

You nod slowly, and Inosuke turns around to head back inside the building. But before he can get away, you throw your arms around the back of his neck and pull him into an awkward sibling hug. "I love you, Inosuke. Stay safe."

"Yeah," he says. "You too, Y/N."

You let go and then run in the opposite direction, not daring to look back. It starts to rain by the time you reach a village and, not looking where you are going, you bump into a woman about the same age as you.

"Sorry," you mutter, looking down at the ground.

"Sorry!" she repeats, looking up at you. Her black hair falls in her face and you can't help but think she is beautiful. "Here," she says, pulling a handkerchief out of her pocket and handing it to you. But as she gets a good look at your face, she quickly realizes something is wrong.

"Are you alright?" she asks.

"M-my sister..." you mutter, "she's dead. My little brother is still in there."


"Inside the building," you tell her, pointing back to where you came from.

She looks up and sees the big building in the distance.

"What happened to her?" she questions you calmly.

"We got taken here and separated. He- he ate her!" you explain, trying to keep yourself from breaking down in front of a complete stranger.

"Oh my!" she gasps, horrified by what you begin to describe to her. "Come with me. My name is Suma. Don't worry, you're safe now."

You look back at the building. Your heart is torn between wanting to stay and fight for your little brother and following this strange woman. She seems nice enough, though.

"What did you say your name was?" she hums as she guides you through the down.

"Y/N," you tell her. "Hashibira."

"That's a pretty name, Y/N Hashibira," she smiles.

You follow her silently for a bit until you come across a large estate.

"Come in," Suma says, sliding the door open and waving her hand. You enter the home and find a man with black hair sitting on the opposite side of the room, staring into space.

"Don't worry, Y/N, he can help," she says as she reaches out her hand to you.

Just as you take her hand in yours, the man looks up at the two of you and furrows his eyebrows. "Who is this, Suma?"

"My name is Y/N," you tell him softly. "I've lost my family."

"And you brought her here because?" he sighs, looking over at Suma.

"Because, Master, she needs a place to stay," Suma explains. "She is very distressed."

The man sighs and stands up to walk towards the two of you. He notices the dried blood on your arm from when your little sister dug her nails into your skin. He checks out the way the rain has poured down your body, making you shiver, and how tired your eyes look.

"What happened tonight?" he asks, walking back to his original seat.

"My sister got eaten by some person... And my brother saved me," you explain, looking down at the floor.

"Your brother? Where is he now?"

"Back there," you answer. "He wants revenge. But I want to protect him. I don't want him to end up like her."

Suma's eyes light up. "Your brother is still alive in there, too?! Master, can Y/N stay with us? She doesn't have anyone else to turn to."

The man stares at her for a second and then looks back at you. "Very well, she can stay."

"Thank you," you say, bowing.

"Come on, I'll show you around," Suma says, grabbing onto your arm.

"Thank you," you repeat to the man.

"Kagaya Ubuyashiki," he smiles, telling you his name.

"Master Ubuyashiki," you say.

"Suma, you're in charge of taking care of her," Ubuyashiki instructs.

"Yes, sir!"

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now