18. Ölüm

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Y/N'S P.O.V.

When you return to the house, the sun begins to rise behind you. As you shut the door behind you, a yawn escapes your mouth and you stretch your arms out. Rengoku and Suma were probably right, you do need some rest. You walk over to the sofa nearby and plop yourself down, but just as you do, Suma walks into the room.

"Morning, Y/N, we're going out today!" she smiles too brightly.

"No way," you shake your head, too tired to deal with this.

"You don't look so good, Y/N. Are you okay?" she sighs as she gets closer to you. "Shit, when was the last time you took a sho-"

"Suma," you whine.

"I'm just concerned," she defends herself.

"I just got back from training," you explain.

"All night?" she asks, looking at you worriedly. "You're going to hurt yourself if you overdo it."

"Stop being lazy, Y/N," Makio says nonchalantly as she walks past the two of you into the kitchen. "Go shower and meet us back here in twenty minutes or I promise you'll regret it."

"Fine," you groan, tossing your head back before letting out a sigh and rising to your feet.

When you're finished with your shower, you quickly get dressed and run downstairs to meet the three women.

"So what are we doing?" you ask as you approach Suma.

"Don't worry about it. Lord Tengen is waiting for us outside. Let's go," Hinatsuru smiles as she places a hand on your back and gently pushes you forward.

The five of you walk off the property together and hike for the entire day, only stopping once for a quick lunch. It isn't until the sun is nearly set that Suma grumbles about her feet feeling weak.

Just then, Uzui spins around to face you all. "Now pay attention!" he says enthusiastically, causing Suma to perk right up. "Tonight's lesson is all about subtlety and information gathering. In our line of work, the more you know, the better you can strategize against these demons."

"This should be fun," Makio says with a grin as she turns to face you. "Let's see if you've got the stealth to match that newfound strength of yours, Y/N."

"Wait, what exactly am I supposed to do?" you gulp, unsure of yourself.

"We're on the outskirts of a demon-infested village," Uzui explains to you, gesturing to the village ahead that is shrouded in darkness. "You'll be okay. Move in the shadows, and remember, demons don't just lurk in the dark... They thrive in it."

"So we're just going to split up? Why not have someone to help me, at least? Just in case I get lost," you ask nervously.

However, Uzui doesn't answer your question as he moves closer to the village, showing you how to stay silent in the shadows and move without being detected.

"Watch how I step lightly," he tells you, getting closer to you than he was before. "No unnecessary noise just yet. Move quietly, like the wind. Give it a try."

You take a deep breath, trying to relax your shoulders. Your muscles tense as you move to follow Uzui.

"Good, you're moving quietly," he nods.

"Now, listen," he then says only to you as the three others follow behind. "There's a group of demons up ahead. Do you hear them?"

You listen carefully and peer through the darkness where you witness a group of grey-skinned demons engaged in conversation.

"We want to know what they're plotting, right?" he whispers. "Practice eavesdropping without being spotted."

"Uh, yeah," you mumble, feeling nervous. But just as you take your first step away from him, he holds you back. You look at him with a questioning expression. "If you're detected, try a swift takedown. But your goal is to gather intel without being heard. Got it?"

You turn your attention back to the group and continue to move in, silently approaching the demons. You guide yourself between alleyways and duck underneath the garbage cans, making sure to keep yourself hidden.

"Did you hear? The ceremony is going to take place at this demon moon," one of the demons says.

"It's finally happening! We've been waiting for the longest fucking time!" another one cheers.

Just then, as you're hidden behind a garbage can, a hand slaps over your mouth. You let out a gasp and look to your left, only to see Uzui's body pressed against yours.

"Quiet," he breathes in your ear, and you swallow hard as your eyes dart back to the group of demons.

"I'm surprised the ritual is actually happening," a different demon states.

"This is more serious than I thought," he tells you. "You shouldn't be here."

"But-" you try to say, but his hand on your mouth is too tight, so it comes out muffled.

"We need to report this to Master Ubuyashiki immediately," he tells you, and you're pretty sure he's being serious. "Go!"

With his last word, his grip on your mouth loosens and he steps away. You attempt to follow him, but you end up tripping over your own feet and the trash can goes clattering to the ground.

"What the fuck was that?" a demon screeches.

"Shit, Y/N, hurry!"

"Who's over there?!" the demon's voice calls out in a deceptively sweet way this time.

You look over at Uzui, unsure whether you're supposed to fight back like he told you initially, or really get out of here. But before you can come to a conclusion, he grabs you by the arm and flings you into a side alleyway so you cannot be seen. He then stands up before the demons himself, his swords drawn.

"What a rude introduction," he smirks. "Don't you demons know how to say hello?"

"Who the hell are you?!" one of the demons asks, its tone becoming sinister.

"I'm here for some entertainment. Let's have some fun, shall we?"

As Uzui fights the demons, you stay hidden, watching the scene unfold before you. Still, part of you wishes to go out and face those demons yourself, but you know there's a reason why Uzui pushed you aside. You watch him closely as he battles the demons. His movements are graceful and he is able to hold his own, there's something about his style that is just so mesmerizing.

Just then, the three women rush to your side silently and ask you if you're okay.

"Have you seen the crow?" Makio asks you quietly. "Did he call it yet? He knows this is bad, right?"

Just then, the demons before you all fall to the ground and Uzui turns to face the four of you behind him. "Oh, that's right," he nods to Makio before whistling for his bird.

Uzui opens his mouth to speak, but before any sounds can come out, the bird speaks first. "Message for Master Uzui!" it repeats twice. "Stay in your current location and investigate further! Orders directly from Master Ubuyashiki."

"I guess we're staying here," Hinatsuru tells Makio, who rolls her eyes in response.

"And what about my apprentice?" Uzui asks the crow. "Does Master Ubuyashiki wish her to accompany us as well? I don't think it's a good idea to keep her here any longer. She's not even a demon slayer."

The bird looks over at you and tilts its head, seemingly trying to figure out what to say.

"What is it, crow?" Uzui grumbles, obviously frustrated.

"The apprentice stays."

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now