27. मौत

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When you and Uzui return home, the house is quiet. "The others must already be asleep," Uzui comments as he shuts the door behind you both. You nod and, without even parting your lips, take your leave from his side and walk up the stairs.

Once you reach the safety of the bathroom, you slink down against the door and sigh. You can't help but wonder why you decided to kiss him. Perhaps it was his words of encouragement, or maybe it was just the heat of the moment. Either way, it has made everything at least a hundred times worse.

By the time you get into the bath, you can't help but notice how silent the house is. You haven't even heard a sound since you got upstairs. Uzui must be feeling the weight of your kiss, too. Or perhaps he's just sleeping.

Part of you still can't believe it actually happened. It was real, right?

The water you are soaking in is still hot and soothing. You look over at the mirror across the room and notice how steamed up the small space has become. It's quite calming for your muscles and does help you relax after the long day. You then dip your head under the water, shutting your eyes as you disappear from sight. All you can see in your mind's eye is him.

The way his skin felt against yours.

The way his lips tasted.

The way his hair felt in your hands.

The way his fingers brushed across your skin.

The way he smelled.

How his voice sounded when he whispered your name...

All of it. Everything.

Suddenly, you emerge from the water with a gasp. You wipe the water from your eyes, breathing heavily as you catch your breath. But the memory of his touch still lingers. You wish you could have more. You crave more.

Slowly, you pull yourself out of the tub. It wasn't enough to clear your mind. So, after getting dressed, you decide to head back downstairs instead. You know you won't be able to go to bed right now anyway. But of course, as you walk into the kitchen, he's still there.

"Hey," you smile softly as you enter the room and walk past him to grab the teapot. "Want any tea?"

"If you're going to make some then sure but don't go out of your way," he shrugs as he watches you begin preparing the tea.

You can't help but chuckle. "It's not out of my way," you shake your head. "It's the middle of the night, Master. It's not like I've got something better to do."

"Not even sleep?" he smirks.

"I can't remember the last time I had a full night's rest," you reply, placing the kettle on the stove.

"I think I know how you feel," he nods. "But you should still try."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," you shrug.

You continue to prepare the tea and, once it is ready, serve a cup for him and a cup for you. Then, as you sit beside him, you drink your tea in silence. You suppose there's not much to say after everything that happened before, but you can't help but wish things were a bit less awkward between the two of you.

"You shouldn't look so worried," he then says to you after placing his empty cup back on the table. "I'm not going to tell the girls just yet."

"You're not?" you gulp, trying to hide your face behind the small cup. "Why?"

"There's something else more important right now. I've thought about it some since the cave earlier tonight," he begins to explain rather cryptically.

"What is it?" you ask a bit too eagerly. He can sense right away how desperate you are for answers.

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now