7. 死亡

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"How the hell is this going to help?" Y/N sighs after several more failed attempts.

I sigh. She doesn't get it. Of course, she doesn't get it. Why would she? This girl hasn't had any experience or training.

"I am trying to teach you breathing techniques and the rhythm of your surroundings," I begin to explain. But she just looks at me as if I have three heads. "Just stop complaining and do what I say."

"It's hard when I don't get it," she whines, and I can't help but roll my eyes.

"Listen. This is going to be important if you ever want to fight any demons," I explain. "There are different breathing styles that the demon slayers have to use in order to properly destroy demons."

"So there's more than one?"

"Yes, there are ten."

"And which one am I going to learn?" she questions, looking up at me with hopeful eyes.

"Sound breathing."

Her face immediately falls and she lets out a sigh. "Of course."

"What's wrong with sound breathing?" I scoff, a bit offended.

"Well, nothing, but," she shakes her head, "it's just that it'd sound a bit cooler..."

I laugh. How could she possibly think my breathing style isn't flashy? "Well, the Sound Breathing Style is one of the best and strongest there is. So I'd think you'd be honored to be learning it."

"I, uh, I'm sorry," she nods. "You're right. I should be grateful."

"Exactly. Now, let's start over. Remember to take a deep breath and focus on the rhythm."

Y/N nods and does as I say, trying to connect with her surroundings. She closes her eyes and breathes in deeply. I watch her closely, noticing how calm she is and how peaceful her features appear. I can see her chest rise and fall slowly as she takes each breath. She is quite beautiful.

As soon as she opens her eyes again, she looks up at me, waiting for me to speak. But I can't help but be distracted by the sight of her.

"What is it, Master Tengen?"

"Nothing," I shake my head. "Just keep practicing."

I have her practice for awhile, giving her the strategy to breathe each time a snowflake falls.

"This is hopeless," she groans, her head falling into her hands. "I'm never going to get this right."

"It's not hopeless, Y/N. You can do this."

"Yeah, yeah," she nods, looking back at me. "I've only been trying all morning."

"Maybe we should try something different."

Y/N'S P.O.V.

"Like what?" you ask Uzui, feeling rather disappointed in yourself.

"Cheer up, Y/N. I'm proud of you for working so hard."

"Really?" you ask, shocked by his sudden compliment.

"Of course. Now, let's work on the basics of swordsmanship."

You stand up straighter, smiling and feeling a bit happier now, and follow him around to the back of the estate. There, he gives you a new assignment.

"Connect with the sound of the wind and the sound of your heart," he says, pointing his finger towards your chest.

"Are you telling me to breathe?" you ask, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows. "This is the same thing we were doing before."

"Not exactly. Just feel the vibrations. Close your eyes and try to hear the difference."

"Okay, I'll give it a shot," you shrug.

He steps behind you and holds his sword to your throat, and you instantly tense. But suddenly you can hear a faint noise. The sound of a heartbeat. You listen as carefully as you can, until eventually you can distinguish two separate sounds. Your own and Uzui's. Judging by his heart, you can tell he doesn't have any bad intentions.

"I can hear it," you whisper. "My heart and yours. The snowflakes, too, now."

"Good. Now, let's spar," he suggests, stepping back.

"What? Right now?" you ask, looking down at the two swords in your hand.

"Yes. Now synchronize your breath with the rhythms around you," he instructs, and you try to follow along. "Let your heart rate increase as you fight me."

"I can't do this," you say, shaking your head. "You're a hashira and I'm just some amateur."

"We'll start slow, don't worry," he smirks, raising his sword to attack you. You manage to block his blow and dodge his second attack.

"Good job, Y/N," he praises.

You maintain your serious composure as he charges towards you again. As you evade, you can feel a strange energy begin to pulsate through your body. But, before you can figure out what's going on, Uzui manages to hit you in the side, throwing you onto the ground.

"What the hell?" you snap.

"Get up, Y/N. Let's try again," he instructs, but you can't bring yourself to move. Did he purposefully knock the wind out of you?

"Can't get up? We've got a lot more to work on," he shakes his head. "Come on. I promise I'll go easy."

"This isn't fair!"

"What? Why not?"

"You're not going to go easy on me," you complain, still unable to move.

Uzui smirks and holds out his hand to you. "You're right, I'm not. You're not some helpless girl anymore. Don't forget that. You have to be ready for anything."

You grab his hand and pull yourself to your feet. "Fine," you agree, getting into position again. "I'm ready."

"Good. Now, as you breathe, focus on the speed of your heart and the sound of your blade," he explains, before charging at you once more.

This time, however, you're able to dodge his attacks and land on your feet. He looks at you with wide eyes.

"You're pretty good," he smiles. "But don't let that get to your head."

"Oh, we both know that it will," you grin before charging at him and managing to make a shallow cut on his forearm.

"Impressive," he smirks, and you feel a sense of pride swelling inside your chest.

"Doesn't seem like it takes that much to impress you," you huff, already out of breath.

Uzui laughs. "Maybe not, but it's been awhile since I've seen anyone so skilled in their first match," he tells you, before launching his next attack. You're not sure if he's being sarcastic or not.

This time, his attacks are quicker, and you can't help but lose your balance and fall to the ground. "Shit," you mumble, rolling onto your back.

Uzui leans down and offers you a hand, which you reluctantly accept.

"Are you alright, Y/N?"

"Yeah," you nod. "Let's keep going."

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now