31. מוות

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When you get inside the temple, you shut the door right behind yourself and push the criminal towards Doma. Over the past week, he has begun to eat your sacrifices in front of you, probably thinking you'll get off to the satisfaction of seeing the light leave their eyes or that you'll get scared and never come back. However, it just makes you feel reassured that he is eating your food. That way he'll be less hungry and less likely to hurt you.

Once he finishes eating, he looks at you, wiping his mouth though the grin on his lips remains. "Welcome back, my dear. I do love the smell of fresh meat you carry alongside you."

He then stakes up and walks towards you. You stand perfectly still, somewhat hoping that if you don't move, he'll walk away. "You smell delicious."

"Don't get any ideas," you grin. "You wouldn't want to lose this partnership, would you?"

"Of course not," he shakes his head as he stops in front of you. "But it's you... Your smell is so familiar, it's intoxicating."

After swallowing down your fears and a little bit of vomit, you bravely step forward. "If that is true then why don't you just take one bite?"

Doma's laughter fills the air and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. "Are you testing me, girl? Even you just said it'd be a bad idea."

You raise your eyebrow as you reply. "I'm glad to know I'm useful to you, my lord."

Doma can't help but lick his lips as he reaches out and places his finger under your chin. "Your loyalty is admirable. And it is something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

With that, he sits back down on his large sofa-like throne and asks you to sit beside him. Once you do, he continues. "I feel I must remind you that our relationship is strictly business and I don't want you to think otherwise. However, the more time you spend in my home, the more I get used to having a familiar human around me and I find myself drawn to you."

Your body freezes as his gaze lowers from your eyes to your chest and then gradually lower.

"I know your kind has needs," he continues. "And demons do as well. My sweet, Y/N, I fear the more time I spend around you, the harder it is for me to control myself around you." With that, his eyes snap right back up to meet yours and you seem to lose yourself in the hypnotizing rainbow colors.

"Lord Doma, are you saying what I think you're saying?" you gulp.

"Oh yes," he hums, bringing his face close to yours. His voice is lower now, almost a growl. "I'd very much like to take a bite of you, as you said. And I don't think it would be wise to keep fighting my urges, Y/N."

Suddenly, the half-eaten human on the ground twitches, and Doma's attention switches on a dime. Before you can blink, he's on the ground biting the neck of the man and finishing him off. When he stands up and wipes his chin, his eyes seem to darken. "I'm sorry, what was I saying?"

"You were telling me how much you love keeping me around," you smile nervously.

"That's right," he nods as he sits beside you again. "And that's exactly why I'm giving you your first order as my guest here."

"An order?" you repeat, lifting an eyebrow curiously.

"I am having an important guest over in two days and I need you to be a source of entertainment. Think you can do that? This man is an important ally who will bring my group a large supply of food so that means he must be treated very well. Do whatever he asks and don't leave his side, understood?"

"Of course," you reply. "I'd be happy to help."

"Wonderful," Doma sighs as he lifts up his arm and wraps it around your shoulders. "Now leave before I change my mind and devour your delicious body."

Once you leave, you let out a breath and lean against the wall, trying to calm your racing heart. After a moment, however, your legs finally catch up with the rest of you and you start sprinting back to your room.


"I'm serious, Y/N," Inosuke breathes from out his nose as he paces back and forth in your room. "This guy isn't just some ally like Doma made it sound. This man is Monzan. He is the king of all the demons! I know Doma will not hesitate to kill the first human he sees if anything goes wrong. He won't want to look bad in front of Monzan."

"I'll be careful, Inosuke, I promise. You don't need to worry," you shake your head. "Now turn around, I need to change."

Inosuke groans as you pull out the green and gold outfit that Uzui had given you. "Oi, don't wear that! You look like a streetwalker, Y/N."

"Shut up," you say as you slap his shoulder and force his back to you.

"Do you really want to catch the eye of a demon king?" he scoffs.

"It's not like that," you reply with a hum. "This is supposed to make me irresistible."

"To be devoured, maybe," he grumbles as you roll your eyes and pull the top over your head.

"Keep acting like an idiot and that might be what I start going for," you tease as you pull up the skirt and fix your hair.

"You know, if that bastard even looks at you, I'll fucking rip him to shreds," Inosuke spits as he continues his pacing. "Actually, I'll just do that either way."

"You do that," you shake your head. I'll be back."

As you walk through the halls, Uzui's words ring through your mind.

Put your own life first. Then the lives of respectable humans. And lastly, him.

You suck in a deep breath before entering the temple. Inside, Doma is already waiting. Beside him is another demon with black hair and red eyes. His pale skin acts in contrast with his dark clothes. His expression is cold, making it hard to read his intentions.

"Ah, my dear, Y/N," Doma smiles as he notices your entrance. "You do clean up well, don't you?" He then turns to the other demon and adds, "She is a gift from heaven, Muzan."

Muzan? Didn't Inosuke call him something different? That idiot always was really bad with names.

"Oh?" Muzan replies quietly, pulling you out from your thoughts. "Doma, I didn't realize you had a new pet."

Doma chuckles softly as you approach the two of them. You reach your hand out to Muzan and allow his cold fingers to caress your skin before kissing the back of your hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," he hums.

Just then, a few other demons come in to serve Muzan and Doma what seems to be a feast of human parts, drinks, and odd gifts. However, Muzan keeps his focus on you the whole time. You do your best to look away and not watch as other humans are devoured right before your eyes.

"So," Muzan asks between bites of flesh, "what is it you do for your Lord Doma?"

"I, uh," you gulp as Doma shoves a whole hand into his mouth one finger at a time. "I bring him sacrifices in exchange for my protection."

"Protection, huh?" Muzan tilts his head, his gaze no longer at your eyes. "And what are you protecting yourself from?" His voice is deep and menacing while his gaze remains predatory. Will Doma protect you from Muzan, or is this all part of some scheme to get his boss to devour you?

But suddenly, Doma's voice breaks out before you get a chance to ponder the answer to your question. "Tonight Y/N is here as entertainment."

Without his eyes leaving your body, he then says, "I'd love to see your entertainment skills, Y/N."

"Of course, my lord," you smile, standing up and bowing your head.

With your heart pounding in your chest, you carefully watch Doma eye Muzan before nodding at you. His eyes become dark as the two of them wait for you to do something instead of standing there like a statue. Doma, growing frustrated, lets a growl escape his throat before reaching for the collar of your shirt and tugging you into his lap.

"If you do good," he tells you in a low voice for only your ears, "Muzan might consider turning you into a demon."

He then pushes you off and smiles hopefully. You return the gesture nervously as you stumble back to your original spot before the two of them. Now what?

{THE EMPTINESS YOU LEFT} Tengen Uzui x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now