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Even at a really Young age, Jungkook was a spoiled brat. He thinks he owns the world, which he is kinda true, as his father was the biggest mafia of the world. And if you have money and power, you do own the world.

Once in a while, his father brings him to an orphanage, and Jungk ook hates going there. His parents told him to share and one thing that he hates is sharing. He can't share anything with anyone.

He noticed a girl, she was wearing all pink. As much as Jungkook used to hate that color pink. It looked gorgeous on her. She looked stunning. She was crying, because she was new to the orphanage. And when Jungkook tried to help her, she stopped crying.

She smiled at him, she is just 4 and she couldn't speak properly. It made Jungkook chuckle but he found her really cute.

Her name was Y/n

He was ready to share his toys with her. Heck he can share his banana milk with her. He talked to her. And they become friends really fast.

"Jungkook, it's time to go back home." Jungkook's older brother, Namjoon said.

And he doesn't want to leave. He cried, saying he wants to meet her again.

He cried to his parents all night. "I want her! I want her to be my doll!"

"Jungkook, she is a human. That is not possible. And she will soon get adopted to another family." His mother said. He started crying more.

"No, no! She is my doll! I want her here! If she needs a family, this should be her family."

Jungkook was stubborn, he was used to getting what he wanted. Now he wants Y/n no matter what.

His father sighed, "Namjoon, do you have any problem if we adopt her?"

Namjoon looked up from his phone. "No, I have no problem."

"Okay Jungkook, we are adopting her for you."

Y/n was really happy that she got adopted to a good family.

They changed her name to Jeon Risa but Y/n liked her original name.

Her mouth wide open when she looked at their house, she didn't think a house this big existed.

"Thi-s is your house?" She exclaimed. Jungkook smiled at her surprised face.

"This is our house. Everything that I own is yours. Except you. Because you are only mine." He said and brought her inside.

And her room was even prettier, pink colored but not typical, it was really aesthetic and beautiful.

"Honey this is your room. Do you like it?" Mrs. Jeon asked. She nodded her head.

"Let's go, I will give you a shower and change your clothes." She exclaimed. "Jungkook, you go to your room."

"What? But I thought I would be sleeping with my doll." Jungkook pouted.

"No, now go. Hurry."

Later at night when everyone was asleep, he came to her room, and laid beside her. He hugged her. "Good Night Doll."

They became best friends, Jungkook was really happy to have her around him.Y/n was shy and didn't talk a lot. She still struggles while talking but she talks to Jungkook.

And now Jungkook doesn't want her to talk to anyone else. She is his doll and she should only talk to him.

He wants her to wear pink feminine clothes. He has thrown away all of her clothes that are not girly or feminine.

✔️My Doll J.JkWhere stories live. Discover now