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Chapter 17 

Mr. Jeon's office was tense as Namjoon stood before his father. 

 "Namjoon, why did you feel the need to say those things to Risa?" He asked. Namjoon poked his inner cheeks with his tongue. He knew she would tell his dad, she told him everything. 

"Dad, Risa's actions deserve some scolding, she needs some guidance." Namjoon replied.

"It's not your place to scold her. I'm the one who makes decisions regarding her." He said. Namjoon was getting mad at his father's behavior now, why doesn't he even let any tell what's wrong and right to her?

As Namjoon left the office, the atmosphere shifted. Mr. Jeon turned his attention to Risa, disappointment etched on his face.

 "Risa, I expect better from you. You've let me down." He said he does scold her but he doesn't let anyone else do that. 

 "I'm sorry, dad. I didn't mean to cause any trouble." She replied.

Mr. Jeon's stern gaze softened slightly, but he remained firm.

"Apologies won't fix this. Your actions have consequences. I expect improvement moving forward."

Risa nodded, understanding the the situation, as Mr. Jeon continued to express his disappointment.

"Sorry dad, it's just Jungkook was annoying me. Him telling me what to wear and what not to wear reminded me of the past, and I got furious." She explained it to him. 

She wanted to tell him that she would not listen to him, but her way of doing it was wrong. 

"You don't need to go that extreme just to prove that," He said. 

She nodded her head, and she was about to leave. 

"You have been interrupting my work a lot by coming to my office randomly," He said. 

"I am sorry," She apologized.

"Don't be sorry, just start coming everyday." He stood up from his and walked closer to her before he leaned against the table. "Join the business." He said. Y/n chuckled. 

"Me? But how can I? I don't think I can do that." She asked. 

He holds her chin making her look at him, his lips forming a smirk. "You have no idea what you are able to do, dear. I am truly afraid of the power you hold."

Y/n was confused, she got a little uncomfortable."I don't get it." 

He then put his hands in his pocket as if he sensed that she was uncomfortable,"Exactly, you don't get anything. Just come to the office tomorrow after college."

"I don't think I am capable of doing that ." She rubs her arm, with the palm of her hand. "Maybe I should try helping mom with her jewelry designing business." 

"You need to get rid of your fears, you are Jeon Risa. The surname attached to your name, has a lot of responsibility. I don't want you to be weak, if my son's are working with me. I want you to work with me too." He said. 

Why is he putting her against his own sons? They are definitely not gonna like her involvement in business.

"But you told me to stay away from Jungkook, now you want me to work with him too?" She asked. He chuckled. 

"I didn't mean it that way, you have to face him everyday, but make sure nothing happens between you and him." He said, "We should never underestimate silent people, maybe they have learnt to tame their beast."

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