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Chapter 24

"Fck you. I hate the fact that I love you too."

She pushed him a little. "Leave me."

"Never. You had a chance before, but now I will not let you go. " Jungkook said.

"I don't love you." She looked at his eyes, and realized how easy it was for her to lie straight on his face. "I will never love someone like you."

"You have already confessed. You love me." He said.

"You love me too right?" She asked him. Waiting for his answer, he cupped her face caressing it. She knows how weak he is when she caresses his face. She always felt a sense of ownership whenever she looked at the way Jungkook looked at her.

"Of course I do. Since the day I looked at you." He replied.

"Jungkook, can we both love each other limitlessly? I don't care if we cross all our lines, I do want to be crazy in love with you. But I don't want to get used to it." She exclaimed. She started crying, she actually thought Jungkook loved her when they were younger. She wanted pure love with him, but he ended up treating her like a doll.

She then added, "I don't want to get treated like a doll. I want you to be Obsessed with me, But please don't hurt me. Just protect me, because I only crave you."

Jungkook hugged her, seeing her cry made his heart ache, "Don't cry baby, nothing will happen this time. I will make you fall in deep love for me. You will be crazy for me." He breathed in her smell and he caressed her hair. He was so near to his revenge.

But then what? He will lose her scent forever, he will lose her.

She broke the hug. "What about you?"

"I am already crazy over you." He said.

"If you didn't treat me special, and treated me more like a toy. Then I will k!ll you. " Y/n said.

"K!ll? Are you threatening me?" He asked.

"Yes, be afraid of me. If I can do anything for your love and if you don't love me I can k!ll you too." She exclaimed, Jungkook wiped her tears.

"Stop crying, I hate seeing you that way." He said. "You must be tried. Let's sleep."

"No, I will sleep in my room." She said,

"What? Are you afraid? You wanted to be crazy In love now you can't even sleep in this room with me."

"I want to keep our distance," she exclaimed while rubbing her arm. She doesn't want to get used by him again.

He walked closer to her, "I have controlled myself for 4 years, so I think I have enough tolerance. Let's sleep now."

He pulled her by her hand, she just stared at his tattooed hand holding her hand. She remembers his tiny hand when he first held her hand and brought her to his world, his family, his life.

There was literally the time when he made her believe that if she talks to any one else that would be considered a betrayal and disloyalty towards Jungkook.

She believed her identity was being Jungkook's doll.

He laid on the bed and pulled Y/n on top of him. He took a long heavy sigh. "Back in my arms, where you belong."

Back in the arms, where she feels trapped yet loved.


Jungkook is nice to her. He again started taking extreme care of her.

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