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Chapter 7

Jungkook was ignoring Y/n it was annoying her, by the way he keeps coming to her whenever he needs s*x or dress her.

She was exhausted physically and mentally, but she can't express that to Jungkook. She was too scared to lose him, to lose the only family she has now. She just wanted to live with a loving family, and Jungkook's family was that. She doesn't want to leave them.

He controls her mind, and Y/n thinks of him as her partner , her lover that she can share anything with. Like she can talk about herself to Jungkook for hours. And he would listen to her carefully. He cares about his doll a lot.

Y/n and Jungkook were not talking with each other, Jungkook was mad at her and wanted her to apologize to him after she said no to him.

When she got ready for school, Mrs. Jeon asked her to eat breakfast. But she looked at Jungkook and said “No, I am fine.”

Jungkook stared at her from a distance, she didn't have dinner, and now she wants to skip breakfast too. He was immediately worried about her health, he wanted to see her in the most healthy state.

“Let go mom, she is becoming fat anymore, she needs to diet.” Jungkook said, knowing that now he has said this, she will react. But instead she ignored him and went to school.

He is now more possessive towards her, he was always over possessive. But it was different this time, he won't even tolerate someone looking at Y/n's way. Jungkook scared everyone, and now everyone tries Y/n as if she was invisible. She would be in classes and no one would dare to talk to her, look at her, they act like she just doesn't exist.

But she made a few friends, and decided to go out with them.

Meanwhile Jungkook was annoyed and worried, they both were able to hide their relationship from the family, but he couldn't hide his distress when she didn't return from school at the time.

“Where did she go? It's already 5 Pm.” Jungkook mumbled.

“Calm down Jungkook, she might have gone out with friends.” his father said.

“She doesn't have friends.” Jungkook replied.

“Oh, I think she does.” Namjoon replied and showed Jungkook, Y/n’s Instagram story. It was a normal story for her bowling, and she turned to the camera and smiled, making a score.

Jungkook was trying to see who took the shot, how is it possible that she is with someone? Does she trust other people? If she wanted to go bowling, she could have said to Jungkook, he would have brought her out, but no, she chose not to tell him.

Jungkook controlled his emotions, but when he saw Y/n enter the house using her phone while smiling, he couldn't control his anger. He walked to her.

“Where did you go huh? And why the fck are you wearing my jacket? Just because I allowed you to have a few of my things doesn't mean you act like you own everything!” Jungkook exclaimed, he couldn't think of anything else.

“Oh so you are mad that I am wearing your jacket that you, yourself gave to me?” Y/n asked.

“It's not just a jacket, it's my house, my surname, every fcking thing that I gave to you, you were nobody without me.” Jungkook exclaimed.

“I am nobody without you? Who feeds up your delusionals huh? You're gonna brag about how you picked me up from an orphanage just because you wanted to play with me?” She said, “And you are still playing with me! I am tired.”

She exclaimed and left.

His family was just staring at how intensely both were arguing, they were wondering if they should step in to stop them or not.

“Girls and their attitude! Y/n come back and give me my jacket.” He exclaimed, he shook his head. “This girl.”

Jungkook said and left the house.

His family thinks they are best friends, of course Mr. Jeon and Namjoon can detect them being more than that, it was clear from the day one that Jungkook don't think of Y/n as his sister, but Mrs. Jeon tries to ignore all the clues, believing they are friends.

But their argument made them worried. They have never seen them yell at each other like that.

Y/n went to her room, and entered the bathroom, just to see Jungkook there. Sure he left the house, just to jump through the window and enter her bathroom.

He forcely pulled her into a rough make out, she didn't pull back, as not kissing him for almost 24 hours was a little too much for her too. She can't stay without him, same as him, so no matter how mad they are at each other, they crave each others touch.

He pulled back,“You were mad at me. Huh? Couldn't have said that before. Except for ignoring me.”

“You were ignoring me too.” Y/n replied.

“I was mad at you too, I still am. I fcking own you Y/n, and I hate when you give me that attitude.” He exclaimed and started taking off their clothes.

“I hate when you treat me less, you just want s*x” she replied.

“Doll, you are not less, and s*x decided me It's more than that, I can fck anyone, but I only want the p*say that is mine only.” He placed her on the sink.

“I am still mad at you.” she replied.

“Stay mad while I fck you, I have said this before, even if we are furious at each other, we are going to solve that problem in bed.” He exclaimed and kissed her lips, she kissed back, as he patted her legs.

He starts slowly rubbing her through her shorts and panties. He’s more letting her grind herself down onto his fingers. He finally slips his fingers into her shorts, playing with her clit through her panties. He runs his fingers up and down the length of her sl’t, coating his digits in her essence.

“See how much you want me, but acting like you don't huh?” Jungkook said.

“Yeah, but it is too much, having s*x everyday is just too much.” She said,

“Hmm, was it? Because I just can't get enough of you.” He said and pulled her closer by her hip, he gripped her hip and kissed her lips. “You are just a fcktoy who gets turned on by me so easily.”

“Assh*le, I can see your bulge too. Are we fcking or not?” she said.

He chuckled. “Yes of course,” he pulled her off the sink, and turned out and spank her.

He pulls his sweats down below his pelvis, he grabs her wrist before he pins her to the sink. “Yesterday you yelled and got me into trouble, today I will make you scream so loudly that it will expose our relationship to everyone.”

Holding his c*ck in his hand before sliding it in her.

“And what if they kicked me out?” She asked, he hold her throat gently.

“They can't, my name is craving into your skin and you, each time I touch you, you become mine more. They kick you out, I will follow you.” He said while fcking her.

“Ahh Jungkook.” She moaned, it was harder to control herself from moaning when he fcks her in this manner. Where he is harsh, but gentle.

“Who were they? People with you?” He asked.

“I went on d-ate.” She lied. As she felt his anger through his rougher thrusts as possessiveness took a hold over him, he turned her around. Locking her legs around his waist as he continued to fck her.

“Date? Date Y/n? Do you want that guy de*th?” He exclaimed, he kissed her neck, as he pounded in her hard. “Tell me, where you want to go, what you want to do, we will do it together."

She smiled, he will, of course he will right? He loves her that is why.


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