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Chapter 4

Y/n stared at Jungkook in disbelief as he admitted to purposely failing his last year of high school. "Why would you do that, Jungkook? Failing just to stay with me?" she questioned, her tone a mixture of surprise and concern.

Jungkook responded, "I don't want to go to college and be away from you. I want to stay in high school with you."

Y/n's eyes narrowed, "But that means you'll have to fail four times, Jungkook. I'm younger than you. Isn't that a bit extreme?"

Jungkook's gaze remained fixed on Y/n, "I'm willing to fail four times if it means being with you. I don't care about college or anything else. You're the priority, Y/n."

Y/n sighed, "Jungkook, you're being too much. Failing four times just for me? It's not healthy, and it's not fair to yourself. You need to think about your future too."

Jungkook replied, "My future is with you. I'll do whatever it takes to be by your side."

Y/n shook her head, realizing the depth of Jungkook's obsession, "This is too extreme, Jungkook. You need to reconsider your priorities. I can't be the reason for you to throw away your future like this."

"Join college, please, it's not like we will be away." Y/n said. Jungkook wrapped his arms around her waist.

"But I want to wait, I want to be your first,and the only one." Jungkook replied. She wrapped her arms his neck.

"I promise you will." She said.

"I know that. I am waiting for you to be ready," Jungkook replied.

She leaned in and kissed his lips. They both know and loved each other. She break the kiss. "I am yours Jungkook, You don't need to worry about me."

Jungkook smiled and lean in to kiss her lips.


The cute feeling that he had for Y/n that he just wanted her around was gone. Now he wants a body, and her too. It made him a little more possessive, because what if other people are thinking to do the same with Y/n? He can't allow that, he can't let anyone think of Y/n in that way.

Y/n and Jungkook were in the swimming pool, they were having fun throwing water balls at each other and creating a mess all over the house. Namjoon was supposed to take care of them but he was busy doing his stuff with his girlfriend.

"Gugkie, I am hungry." Y/n pouted.

"Me too, let's eat something." They went inside, they could hear some type of screaming.

"What is that?" Y/n asked.

"It's coming from Namjoon hyung's room." Jungkook replied. They decide to check what he is doing.

They peeked inside from the small door. Y/n gasped, she whispered "Oh my god."

"Okay we should not watch this." Jungkook said.

Jungkook turned and noticed Y/n was staring at them, mostly Namjoon's naked body. "Oppa is so cool."

She mumbled, making Jungkook jealous.

"Let's go from here." Jungkook held her hand and brought her away.

"Is man d'ck that big?" she asked. She can ask Jungkook anything so she didn't hesitate to ask him.

"Do you want to see mine?" He asked.

"Only if you gonna fck me." She replied, making Jungkook surprised too.

"What do you want me?" he asked.

"Don't you want to me too?" She replied
He smiled and nodded his head.

Of course he wants her, he wanted her years, and now she was a grown up and he could finally be with his doll.

He took her to his room..

"Y/n, step on me." Kookie already has this kink.


"I said step on me." He repeated, Y/n was confused but she put her feet over his bulge pressing it, earning a loud moan from jungkook.

"Oh I am sorry-"

"No please y/n please keep doing it." He started, the tightening in him he couldn't take it anymore. He took off his shorts and boxers. He pinned Y/n down.

He started pulling off her underwear. "Gugkie-"

She couldn't stop him as his two fingers filled her. "You are so wet, my fingers are going in you so easily."

He pulled out his fingers and stared at his hands, the white fluid coats his fingers, he doesn't know why but he urges to lick his fingers and he does. He brings them closer to his lips tasting her.

"Shoot, you taste so good." He exclaimed, then spread her legs, looking at her small dripping cunt he dived in and started licking and sucking her.

"Ahhh! Jungkook!" Her legs started trembling. She was being a mess. She cummed and Jungkook hungrily swallowed her.

"J-jungkook-, i-it felt so good." She moaned. Jungkook stand on his knees, his c*ck was standing tall, it brushed against the y/n sensitive area. Both groaned.

"I think I can fit this in you." He exclaimed and shoved his length in her.

"Ahhh! Stop! It's hurting!" She started crying.

"Shit, ahhh Y/n!" Jungkook moaned and threw his head back. Y/n was crying and Jungkook noticed that."Please y/n hold it for me, this feels so good! My pretty doll."

He bend and kissed her neck, he never learnt it anyway, they didn't know what s*x it, but their body was acting on its own.

"Yes! Gugkie! Please there-" He found her sweet spot. He buck his hip, hitting that spot, they both reached their high and c*mmed.

"Ahhh, that felt so good." Jungkook laid beside her and cuddled her. His c*ck still inside her ad he doesn't want to leave her.

Jungkook looked down and while his c0ck meets her cunt he pulled out his length that has blood on it.

"I am sorry, did I hurt you Y/n?" He cupped her face worried. She shakes her head.

"You didn't, it was nice." She exclaimed. Jungkook smiled.

"Yes it was, let's keep this secret. We can do this again every night okay? And only I can do this with you. You get me? Only I can be with you."


"Promise me."


"Now remember this, if you are friends with other boys or tried to leave me, I can do anything to remind you of our promise."


✔️My Doll J.JkWhere stories live. Discover now