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Chapter 18 

Y/n walked back to her room, her black dress hugging her silhouette. With a quick, discreet motion, she concealed a compact gun on her thighs, ensuring it was well-hidden.

Mr. Jeon told her to keep with her all the time, she was upset about how she couldn't use it that day. 

Adjusting her dress, she stared at the mirror and how the gun was no longer visible. She turned around to look at herself before she continued doing her makeup. She was not anaemic or underweight anymore.

She is not as skinny as she was with Jungkook. Jungkook wanted her to be as thin as possible, but now she was at normal weight with lean muscle and slight curves. She doesn't look sick anymore.

Y/n was getting ready, Someone knocked on the door. "You are really going somewhere." Namjoon exclaimed. 

"Uhm, yeah. To the club." She replied.

"But why?" He asked, and she gave him a looks 

"Why do people go to the club?." She replied while applying makeup.

"To hook up." Namjoon replied and Y/n shook her head. 

"No, to have fun." Y/n replied.

"Y/n I told you it's not safe, it's dangerous."

" I am 21 now. I think I know how to handle myself." She replied, she is not liking Namjoon these days. He is acting like Jungkook. Why does she have to listen to one brother ? And now the second brother? 

Namjoon sighed. "Yeah, I totally forgot that. You are an adult. Who am I to tell you what is wrong and what is right."

"No," she put the makeup brush down. "I didn't mean it that way. Like just, you know I haven't dated anyone. I want to do that right now, socialize and have fun with friends."

"You said you don't want to date anyone." He said. 

"Yeah but I can't judge all men, there might be nice men who are like you." She said, with a smile. 

"Ask my ex-girlfriends, they will say a lot of things about me." Namjoon exclaimed, hinting that he is not nice either. Y/n laughed. 

"We can't be perfect. I am getting late now, it will be fine." Y/n replied. She started wearing her heels, She sat on the bed as she wore them. Namjoon stood there staring at her. The dress was not that revealing but he was still worried. 

"Should I come with you?" He asked.

"No! Definitely not."

"Okay, " He said. "At least let me drop you."

"Uhm, no. I will drive myself. See you." She exclaimed, she picked up her keys. 

Namjoon holds her arms. "Just take care of yourself. Call me if you need me." 

She smiled. "Okay. Okay. Goodbye."

Jungkook watched as Y/n left, he stood up thinking and sat back. He looked at the time it was 9:45 pm. Will she be okay without him?

What if she is not? It's not safe for her to go alone. She can handle herself. 

But what if something happens?

He stood up, and picked his keys. He can't let her leave alone.


Mrs. Jeon's frustration bubbled as she confronted her husband, "Why don't you put any restrictions on Risa? You never ask her where she's going at night!"

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