Original Ending

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Last chapter of Original version, chapter 25 was the second last chapter for this version.

(The original version was slightly different, in original version Jungkook never loved Y/n meanwhile in new version, Jungkook loved Y/n and actually cared about her that is why he end up with her in new version.)

The room was filled with her moaning, and the sound of body rubbing against the glass.

She can fill their eyes on her, she looked at the dead body. It's sick, she feels disgusted.

But when she looks at Jungkook, she can't see anyone else there. She closed her eyes and just feel him.

Do they have any shame? Because they are having sex in a room filled with dead girls.

"Jungkook, c-an we leave this place?" She exclaimed.

Fcking her is better than killing her.

"No, let me just fck you here." He said. She just held Jungkook, as she was getting scared now.

He finally put her down. He pulled his pants back up.

She fixed her robe, and she was trembling, "Can we leave?"

"Wait, doll look behind you." He said. She looked behind, and saw the glass with a doll label.

"What is this?" She asked. He back hugged her, playing with her arm.

"You will be my most favorite toy in this collection." He said. She looked at him,

"Toy? Really? You want to kill me?" She said,

"No, no doll. I will not kill you. At Least not now." He played with her hair. "You are still human, and I will turn into a doll first and then I will keep you here. So you will be mine forever."

She turned to look at him. "Jungkook, I will be yours forever. Why are you saying that? I am not in the mood of pranks."

He chuckled. "I am not pranking, you forget all my rules, everything that I taught you. Now I have to teach you everything again."

"Please stop with these rules, I am okay with you and me being in this roleplay for some time. But I don't want to be a doll. And we both love each other right?" She exclaimed.

"Love? I never understand what Love is Y/n. I just played along. I just wanted you back, so I can get my revenge, you ruined everything! You ruined me and you! Because of you I spent 4 fcking years in asylum, where I got tortured! All because of you! I don't love you."

Y/n cupped his face. "J-ungkook, you love me. We do all the things people in love do."

"I can't love Y/n, you should know that. I never felt that emotion." Jungkook said.

"I will teach you, you will love me." She exclaimed.

"You couldn't teach me how to love you in 18 years, you think now I will suddenly love you?" He asked.

As much as she can remember, she always loved Jungkook. And how would she not love him? When she thinks of him as her everything. And he gave her so much attention, and spoiled her.

She enjoyed being with Jungkook. Even when they were younger, all the sex was consensual.

And Y/n always knew that she loved Jungkook. She only wants to be with him, forever.

But then he started treating her less special and more like a toy.

That was when Y/n had enough. She couldn't let him treat her average, she only wanted special treatment from him.

✔️My Doll J.JkWhere stories live. Discover now