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Mr. Jeon recalls the conversation that happened between him and Jungkook.

“This girl! Where did she go now?” Jungkook exclaimed after hanging up the call with Arlen. Arlen told Jungkook that she is not with him. And now Jungkook was worried and mad. How can she disappear like that without even informing him?

Jungkook bursts through the front door, his face a mix of worry and determination. His parents were mad at him after the burnt the house he grow up in but he doesn't care they moved to another property of theirs.

He scans the room quickly, looking for any sign of Y/n. His father, Mr. Jeon, is sitting on the couch, reading a newspaper.

“Is Y/n here?” Jungkook asked.

Mr. Jeon lowers his newspaper, a frown forming on his face.

“I don't know where she is. But tell me, Jungkook, what kind of boyfriend are you if you don't even know where your own girlfriend is?” He replied.

Jungkook's shoulders slump slightly, guilt washing over him.

“You took her phone or else she would have informed me and I thought she’d be here. But leave it,” Jungkook got defensive

Mr. Jeon stands up, his expression hardening as he steps closer to Jungkook.

“ This isn’t the first time, Jungkook. You’re always running around, never knowing what’s going on with her. What kind of relationship is that?” His father said.

Jungkook clenches his fists, “Why are you yelling at me? I know I've messed up, but I’m trying, Dad. I love her.

Mr. Jeon shakes his head, disappointment clear in his eyes.

“Loving someone isn’t enough if you can’t be there for them. You’re on the path to making her life a living hell. If you really care about her, you’d leave her. Let her find someone who won’t ruin her life. Because I know you will.” He exclaimed.

Jungkook’s eyes widen in shock and pain, but he stands his ground, his voice steady.

“ No, I won't leave her. I promised to be the best partner for her, and I will. I’ll prove it to you, to her, and to myself.” He said firmly.

“Promises are easy to make, Jungkook. It’s hard to keep them. Don’t just talk about it. Show her, show me, that you can be the man she deserves. But you failed to do that again and again.”

“I don't have time to argue with you.” Jungkook said and left the house.

Mr. Jeon came to Y/n too. She was sleeping, he wanted to make sure that Jungkook didn't come here.

He laid her on the bed and was sitting on the sofa now.

He couldn't tolerate Jungkook anymore.

Jungkook was and is a threat to Y/n. And Y/n felt that herself. She told Mr. Jeon that she doesn't feel safe with Jungkook.

She is not going to feel safe as long as Jungkook is alive. He is not going to leave Y/n alone, and this will end up in a bad way.

Mr. Jeon doesn't want that for Y/n, Jungkook is like him, so he is not good with love and understanding how love is. Jungkook might be worse than him, because is reckless and inhumane.

Jungkook is gonna hurt Y/n. And he knows that. Y/n deserve someone who is not Jungkook. He tries to convince Y/n but she doesn't listen to him. Now what can he do? He can't hurt Y/n. He can't hurt his child.

His son's never cared about them, they were emotionless, even when he was depressed, no one asked him how he was doing. Only Y/n did, she was so young but he remembers her coming to him and asking him how his day was or if he was fine.

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