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Chapter 10

Y/n gazed into the night, tears reflecting the moonlight. The first memory she had is of Jungkook. She doesn't remember her family either, she has completely forgotten their family.

And Jungkook's family never felt like hers. He continuously reminded her that she is not part of the family, she is there just because of Jungkook.

The sound of footsteps approached, and Namjoon appeared at the balcony's entrance.

"Did you fight with Jungkook again?" Namjoon asked.

"How do you know?" She sniffles.

"It's obvious, Y/n."


"Your hidden relationship." He said.

"Hidden? He had been clear since day one and you guys supported him right? He wanted to play with you, and you adopted me just because of that."

"That not true." Namjoon said.

"And why did you guys choose me? I'm not one of you, I am just for Jungkook."

"You are not, maybe I was against my family adopting you too, but now you are part of our lives, " Namjoon said.

"You think Jungkook loves me?" Y/n asked.

Namjoon shrugged his shoulders. "If he had, he wouldn't be controlling you and appearance like he is."

"He will love me, one day." Y/n replied.

"For that he needs to look at you as a human Y/n, you can sit here get treated like a toy while waiting for him to love you back, but he will replace you one day." Namjoon said.

Y/n's heart raced as she sprinted through streets, her heart pounding loud. She was running but she couldn't escape her thoughts.

She couldn't shake the haunting idea of Jungkook finding someone else, someone who could replace her.

Toys are replaceable, humans are too.

Finally reaching her home, she was still panting she saw the newspaper that was on the table. It was Jungkook on news,but they made the person who d'ed some type of the villain. And no one was questioning Jungkook despite hundreds of people witness it.

The maid offered her some juice. Y/n looked at the maid, "I don't like it, you should know. Just bring me some water,"

"I will, but first drink the pomegranate and beetroot juice. Sir told me to give it to you." The maid said. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Tell Jungkook to drink it himself." Y/n said.

"It's not from him. Mr. Jeon asked me to give it to you." The maid exclaimed.

"Why?" Y/n asked.

"Because your blood reports were out Risa and you are iron deficient." Mr. Jeon step in and spoke. Y/n looked at him. "Not just iron deficient you are underweight too."

He took the glass from the maid and pass it to Y/n. "Drink it, I talked to dietician, the maids know the whole diet plan, you are gonna eat accordingly to that."

As if Jungkook will let her each what she wants or what is healthy of for.

She took the glass, "I don't like beetroot."

"I know but it's good for your health." He said, she nodded her head and drunk the juice. She wiped her mouth and put the glass back on the tray that the maid was holding. "Good, how was your run? Did you had anything before going on run? It's not good to run on empty stomach." he asked.

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